
File: platform/plugins/Users/classes/Users/Device/Firefox.php


class Users_Device_Firefox extends Users_Device

	 * You can use this method to send push notifications.
	 * It is far better, however, to use the Qbix Platform's offline notification
	 * mechanisms using Node.js instead of PHP. That way, you can be sure of re-using
	 * the same persistent connection.
	 * @method pushNotification
	 * @param {array} $notification See Users_Device->pushNotification parameters
	 * @param {array} [$options] See Users_Device->pushNotification parameters
	function handlePushNotification($notification, $options = array())
		self::$push[] = Users_Device_Web::prepare($notification);

	 * Sends all scheduled push notifications
	 * @method sendPushNotifications
	 * @static
	 * @throws Users_Exception_DeviceNotification
	static function sendPushNotifications()
		if (!self::$push) {
		Users_Device_Web::send(self::$device, self::$push);
		self::$push = [];

	static protected $push = [];

	static $device = null;
