
File: platform/plugins/Users/classes/Users.php

 * Users plugin
 * @module Users
 * @main Users
 * Static methods for the Users models.
 * @class Users
 * @extends Base_Users
 * @abstract
abstract class Users extends Base_Users
	 * This is where you would place all the static methods for the models,
	 * the ones that don't strongly pertain to a particular row or table.

	 * * * */
	 * Determine whether a user id is that of a community
	 * @method isCommunityId
	 * @static
	 * @param {string} $userId The user id to test 
	 * @return {boolean}
	static function isCommunityId($userId)
        if (in_array($userId, Q_Config::expect("Q", "plugins"))) {
			return false;
		$first = mb_substr($userId, 0, 1, "UTF-8");
		return (mb_strtolower($first, "UTF-8") != $first);
	 * Get the id of the main community from the config. Defaults to the app name.
	 * @method communityId
	 * @static
	 * @return {string} The id of the main community for the installed app.
	static function communityId()
		$communityId = Q_Config::get('Users', 'community', 'id', null);
		return $communityId ? $communityId : Q::app();
	 * Get the name of the main community from the config. Defaults to the app name.
	 * @method communityName
	 * @static
	 * @return {string} The name of the main community for the installed app.
	static function communityName()
		$communityName = Q_Config::get('Users', 'community', 'name', null);
		return $communityName ? $communityName : Q::app();
	 * Get the suffix of the main community from the config, such as "Inc." or "LLC"
	 * @return {string|null} The suffix of the main community for the installed app.
	static function communitySuffix()
		return Q_Config::get('Users', 'community', 'suffix', null);
	 * Get default user language from users_user table
	 * @method getLanguage
	 * @static
	 * @param {string} $userId
	 * @return {string}
	static function getLanguage($userId){
		$user = self::fetch($userId, true);

		return isset($user->preferredLanguage) ? $user->preferredLanguage : Q_Text::$language;
	 * Rturn an array of the user's roles relative to a publisher
	 * @method roles
	 * @static
	 * @param string [$publisherId=Users::communityId()]
	 *  The id of the publisher relative to whom to calculate the roles.
	 *  Defaults to the community id.
	 * @param {string|array|Db_Expression} [$filter=null] 
	 *  You can pass additional criteria here for the label field
	 *  in the `Users_Contact::select`, such as an array or Db_Range
	 * @param {array} [$options=array()] Any additional options to pass to the query, such as "ignoreCache"
	 * @param {string} [$userId=null] If not passed, the logged in user is used, if any
	 * @return {array} An associative array of $roleName => $contactRow pairs
	 * @throws {Users_Exception_NotLoggedIn}
	static function roles(
		$publisherId = null,
		$filter = null,
		$options = array(),
		$userId = null)
		if (empty($publisherId)) {
			$publisherId = Users::communityId();
		if (!isset($userId)) {
			$user = Users::loggedInUser(false, false);
			if (!$user) {
				return array();
			$userId = $user->id;
		$contacts = Users_Contact::select()
				'userId' => $publisherId,
				'contactUserId' => $userId
			))->andWhere($filter ? array('label' => $filter) : null)
			->fetchDbRows(null, null, 'label');
		return $contacts;

	 * Intelligently retrieves user by id
	 * @method fetch
	 * @static
	 * @param {string} $userId
	 * @param {boolean} [$throwIfMissing=false] If true, throws an exception if the user can't be fetched
	 * @return {Users_User|null}
	 * @throws {Users_Exception_NoSuchUser} If the URI contains an invalid "username"
	static function fetch ($userId, $throwIfMissing = false)
		return Users_User::fetch($userId, $throwIfMissing);

	 * @method oAuth
	 * @static
	 * @param {string} $platform The name of the oAuth platform, under Users/apps config
	 * @param {string} [$appId=Q::app()] Only needed if you have multiple apps on platform
	 * @return {Zend_Oauth_Client}
	 * @throws {Users_Exception_NotLoggedIn} If user is not logged in
	static function oAuth($platform, $appId = null)
		$nativeuser = self::loggedInUser();

			throw new Users_Exception_NotLoggedIn();

		if (!isset($appId)) {
			$appId = Q::app();

		#Set up oauth options
		$oauthOptions = Q_Config::expect('Users', 'apps', $platform, $appId, 'oauth');
		$customOptions = Q_Config::get('Users', 'apps', $platform, $appId, 'options', null);

		#If the user already has a token in our DB:
		$app_user = new Users_AppUser();
		$app_user->userId = $nativeuser->id;
		$app_user->platform = $platform;
		$app_user->appId = $appId;

				$zt = new Zend_Oauth_Token_Access();

				return $zt->getHttpClient($oauthOptions);

		#Otherwise, obtain a token from platform:
		$consumer = new Zend_Oauth_Consumer($oauthOptions);

		if(isset($_GET['oauth_token']) && isset($_SESSION[$platform.'_request_token'])) //it's a redirect back from google
			$token = $consumer->getAccessToken($_GET, unserialize($_SESSION[$platform.'_request_token']));

			$_SESSION[$platform.'_access_token'] = serialize($token);
			$_SESSION[$platform.'_request_token'] = null;

			#Save tokens to database
			$app_user->access_token = $token->getToken();
			$app_user->session_secret = $token->getTokenSecret();

			return $token->getHttpClient($oauthOptions);
		else //it's initial pop-up load
			$token = $consumer->getRequestToken($customOptions);

			$_SESSION[$platform.'_request_token'] = serialize($token);


			return null;


	 * @method oAuthClear
	 * @static
	 * @param {string} $platform The name of the oAuth platform, under Users/apps config
	 * @param {string} [$appId=Q::app()] Only needed if you have multiple apps on platform
	 * @throws {Users_Exception_NotLoggedIn} If user is not logged in
	static function oAuthClear($platform, $appId = null)
		$nativeuser = self::loggedInUser();

			throw new Users_Exception_NotLoggedIn();
		if (!isset($appId)) {
			$app = Q::app();
			list($appId, $appInfo) = Users::appInfo($platform, $appId);
			$appId = Q_Config::expect('Users', 'apps', $platform, $app, 'appId');

		$app_user = new Users_AppUser();
		$app_user->userId = $nativeuser->id;
		$app_user->platform = $platform;
		$app_user->appId = $appId;

	 * Retrieves the currently logged-in user from the session.
	 * If the user was not originally retrieved from the database,
	 * inserts a new one.
	 * Thus, this can also be used to turn visitors into registered
	 * users by authenticating with some external platform.
	 * @method authenticate
	 * @static
	 * @param {string} $platform Currently only supports "facebook", "ios" or "android"
	 * @param {string} [$appId=null] The id of the app within the specified platform.
	 * @param {&boolean} [$authenticated=null] If authentication fails, puts false here.
	 *  Otherwise, puts one of the following:
	 *  * 'registered' if user just registered,
	 *  * 'adopted' if a futureUser was just adopted,
	 *  * 'connected' if a logged-in user just connected the platform account for the first time,
	 *  * 'authorized' if a logged-in user was connected to platform but just authorized this app for the first time
	 *  or true otherwise.
	 * @param {array} [$import=Q_Config::get('Users','import',$platform)]
	 *  Array of things to import from platform if a new user is being inserted or displayName was not set.
	 *  Can include various fields of the user on the external platform, such as
	 *  "email", "first_name", "last_name", "gender" etc.
	 *  If the email address is imported, it is set without requiring verification, and
	 *  any email under Users/transactional/authenticated is sent.
	 * @return {Users_User}
	static function authenticate(
		$appId = null,
		&$authenticated = null,
		$import = null)
		$platforms = Q_Config::get('Users', 'apps', 'platforms', array());
		if (!in_array($platform, $platforms)) {
			throw new Q_Exception_WrongValue(array(
				'field' => 'platform',
				'fieldpath' => 'One of the platforms named in Users/apps/platforms config'
		if (!isset($appId)) {
			$appId = Q::app();
		list($appId, $appInfo) = Users::appInfo($platform, $appId);
		$appId = $appInfo['appId'];
		if (!isset($appId)) {
			throw new Q_Exception_WrongType(array(
				'field' => 'appId', 
				'type' => "a valid $platform app id"
		$authenticated = null;
		$during = 'authenticate';
		$return = null;
		 * @event Users/authenticate {before}
		 * @param {string} platform
		 * @param {string} appId
		 * @return {Users_User}
		$return = Q::event('Users/authenticate', compact('platform', 'appId'), 'before');
		if (isset($return)) {
			return $return;


		// First, see if we've already logged in somehow
		if ($user = self::loggedInUser()) {
			// Get logged in user from session
			$userWasLoggedIn = true;
			$retrieved = true;
		} else {
			// Get an existing user or create a new one
			$userWasLoggedIn = false;
			$retrieved = false;
			$user = new Users_User();
		$authenticated = false;
		$emailAddress = null;

		// Try authenticating the user with the specified platform
		$app_user = Users_AppUser::authenticate($platform, $appId);
		if (!$app_user) {
			// no authentication happened
			return $userWasLoggedIn ? $user : false;
		$uid = $app_user->platform_uid;
		$authenticated = true;
		if ($retrieved) {
			$user_uid = $user->getUid($platform);
			if (!$user_uid) {
				// this is a logged-in user who was never authenticated with this platform.
				// First, let's find any other user who has authenticated with the
				// authenticated uid, and set their $field to 0.
				$authenticated = 'connected';
				$ui = Users::identify($platform, $uid);
				if ($ui) {
					$u = new Users_User();
					$u->id = $ui->userId;
					if ($u->retrieve()) {

				// Now, let's associate the current user's account with this platform uid.
				if (!$user->displayName()) {
					// import some fields automatically from the platform
					$imported = $app_user->import($import);
				$user->setUid($platform, $uid);

				// Save the identifier in the quick lookup table
				list($hashed, $ui_type) = self::hashing($uid, $platform);
				$ui = new Users_Identify();
				$ui->identifier = "$ui_type:$hashed";
				$ui->state = 'verified';
				$ui->userId = $user->id;
			} else if ($user_uid !== $uid) {
				// The logged-in user was authenticated with the platform already,
				// and associated with a different platform uid.
				// Most likely, a completely different person has logged into the platform
				// at this computer. So rather than changing the associated plaform uid
				// for the logged-in user, simply log out and essentially run this function
				// from the beginning again.
				$userWasLoggedIn = false;
				$user = new Users_User();
				$retrieved = false;
		if (!$retrieved) {
			$ui = Users::identify($platform, $uid, null);
			if ($ui) {
				$user = new Users_User();
				$user->id = $ui->userId;
				$exists = $user->retrieve();
				if (!$exists) {
					throw new Q_Exception("Users_Identify for $platform uid $uid exists but not user with id {$ui->userId}");
				$retrieved = true;
				if ($ui->state === 'future') {
					$authenticated = 'adopted';
					$user->setUid($platform, $uid);
					$user->signedUpWith = $platform; // should have been "none" before this
					 * @event Users/adoptFutureUser {before}
					 * @param {Users_User} user
					 * @param {string} during
					 * @return {Users_User}
					$ret = Q::event('Users/adoptFutureUser', compact('user', 'during'), 'before');
					if ($ret) {
						$user = $ret;
					$imported = $app_user->import($import);

					$ui->state = 'verified';
					 * @event Users/adoptFutureUser {after}
					 * @param {Users_User} user
					 * @param {array} links
					 * @param {string} during
					 * @return {Users_User}
					Q::event('Users/adoptFutureUser', compact('user', 'links', 'during'), 'after');
				} else {
					// If we are here, that simply means that we already verified the
					// $uid => $userId mapping for some existing user who signed up
					// and has been using the system. So there is nothing more to do besides
					// setting this user as the logged-in user below.
			} else {
				// user is logged out and no user corresponding to $uid yet

				$authenticated = 'registered';
				$imported = $app_user->import($import);
				if (!empty($imported['email'])) {
					$ui = Users::identify('email', $imported['email'], 'verified');
					if ($ui) {
						// existing user identified from verified email address
						// load it into $user
						$user = new Users_User();
						$user->id = $ui->userId;
						$user->retrieve(null, null, true)

				$user->setUid($platform, $uid);
				 * @event Users/insertUser {before}
				 * @param {Users_User} user
				 * @param {string} during
				 * @return {Users_User}
				$ret = Q::event('Users/insertUser', compact('user', 'during'), 'before');
				if (isset($ret)) {
					$user = $ret;

				// Register a new user basically and give them an empty username for now
				$user->username = "";
				$user->icon = '{{Users}}/img/icons/default';
				$user->signedUpWith = $platform;

				// Save the identifier in the quick lookup table
				list($hashed, $ui_type) = self::hashing($uid, $platform);
				$ui = new Users_Identify();
				$ui->identifier = "$ui_type:$hashed";
				$ui->state = 'verified';
				$ui->userId = $user->id;

				// Download and save platform icon for the user
				$sizes = Q_Config::expect('Users', 'icon', 'sizes');
				$icon = $app_user->icon($sizes, '.png');
				if (!Q_Config::get('Users', 'register', 'icon', 'leaveDefault', false)) {
					self::importIcon($user, $icon);
		$app_user->userId = $user->id;
		Users::$cache['platformUserData'] = null; // in case some other user is saved later
		Users::$cache['user'] = $user;
		Users::$cache['authenticated'] = $authenticated;

		if (!empty($imported['email']) and empty($user->emailAddress)) {
			$emailAddress = $imported['email'];
			// We automatically set their email as verified, without a confirmation message,
			// because we trust the authentication platform.
			$user->setEmailAddress($emailAddress, true, $email);
			// But might send a welcome email to the users who just authenticated
			$emailSubject = Q_Config::get('Users', 'transactional', 'authenticated', 'subject', false);
			$emailView = Q_Config::get('Users', 'transactional', 'authenticated', 'body', false);
			if ($emailSubject !== false and $emailView) {
				$email->sendMessage($emailAddress, $emailSubject, $emailView);
		if (!$userWasLoggedIn) {

		if ($retrieved) {
			 * @event Users/updateUser {after}
			 * @param {Users_User} user
			 * @param {Users_AppUser} 'app_user'
			 * @param {string} during
			Q::event('Users/updateUser', compact('user', 'app_user', 'during'), 'after');
		} else {
			 * @event Users/insertUser {after}
			 * @param {Users_User} 'user'
			 * @param {Users_AppUser} 'app_user'
			 * @param {string} during
			Q::event('Users/insertUser', compact('user', 'app_user', 'during'), 'after');

		// Now make sure our master session contains the
		// session info for the platform app.
		$accessToken = $app_user->access_token;
		$sessionExpires = $app_user->session_expires;
		$key = $platform.'_'.$appId;
		if (isset($_SESSION['Users']['appUsers'][$key])) {
			// Platform app user exists. Do we need to update it? (Probably not!)
			$pk = $_SESSION['Users']['appUsers'][$key];
			$au = Users_AppUser::select()->where($pk)->fetchDbRow();
			if (empty($au)) {
				// somehow this app_user disappeared from the database
				throw new Q_Exception_MissingRow(array(
					'table' => 'AppUser',
					'criteria' => http_build_query($pk, null, ' & ')
			if (empty($au->state) or $au->state !== 'added') {
				$au->state = 'added';

			if (!isset($au->access_token)
			or ($au->access_token != $app_user->access_token)) {
				 * @event Users/authenticate/updateAppUser {before}
				 * @param {Users_User} user
				Q::event('Users/authenticate/updateAppUser', compact('user', 'app_user'), 'before');
				$au->access_token = $accessToken;
				$au->session_expires = $sessionExpires;
				$au->save(); // update access_token in app_user
				 * @event Users/authenticate/updateAppUser {after}
				 * @param {Users_User} user
				Q::event('Users/authenticate/updateAppUser', compact('user', 'app_user'), 'after');
		} else {
			// We have to put the session info in
			if ($app_user->retrieve(null, true)) {
				// App user exists in database. Do we need to update it?
				if (!isset($app_user->access_token)
				or $app_user->access_token != $accessToken) {
					 * @event Users/authenticate/updateAppUser {before}
					 * @param {Users_User} user
					Q::event('Users/authenticate/updateAppUser', compact('user', 'app_user'), 'before');
					$app_user->access_token = $accessToken;
					$app_user->save(); // update access_token in app_user
					 * @event Users/authenticate/updateAppUser {after}
					 * @param {Users_User} user
					Q::event('Users/authenticate/updateAppUser', compact('user', 'app_user'), 'after');
			} else {
				if (empty($app_user->state) or $app_user->state !== 'added') {
					$app_user->state = 'added';
				 * @event Users/insertAppUser {before}
				 * @param {Users_User} user
				 * @param {string} 'during'
				Q::event('Users/insertAppUser', compact('user', 'during'), 'before');
				// The following may update an existing app_user row
				// in the rare event that someone tries to tie the same
				// platform account to two different accounts.
				// A platform app user can only be tied to one native user, so the
				// old connection will be dropped, and the new connection saved.
				 * @event Users/authenticate/insertAppUser {after}
				 * @param {Users_User} user
				Q::event('Users/authenticate/insertAppUser', compact('user'), 'after');

				if (!isset($authenticated)){
					$authenticated = 'authorized';

		$_SESSION['Users']['appUsers'][$key] = $app_user->getPkValue();

		Users::$cache['authenticated'] = $authenticated;

		 * @event Users/authenticate {after}
		 * @param {string} platform
		 * @param {string} appId
		Q::event('Users/authenticate', compact('platform', 'appId'), 'after');

		// At this point, $user is set.
		return $user;

	 * Logs a user in using a login identifier and a pasword
	 * @method login
	 * @static
	 * @param {string} $identifier Could be an email address, a mobile number, or a user id.
	 * @param {string} $passphrase The passphrase to hash, etc.
	 * @param {boolean} $isHashed Whether the first passphrase hash iteration occurred, e.g. on the client
	 * @return {Users_User}
	 * @throws {Q_Exception_RequiredField} If 'identifier' field is not defined
	 * @throws {Q_Exception_WrongValue} If identifier is not e-mail or modile
	 * @throws {Users_Exception_NoSuchUser} If user does not exists
	 * @throws {Users_Exception_WrongPassphrase} If passphrase is wrong
	static function login(
		$return = null;
		 * @event Users/login {before}
		 * @param {string} identifier
		 * @param {string} passphrase
		 * @return {Users_User}
		$return = Q::event('Users/login', compact('identifier', 'passphrase'), 'before');
		if (isset($return)) {
			return $return;

		if (!isset($identifier)) {
			throw new Q_Exception_RequiredField(array('field' => 'identifier'), 'identifier');

		$sessionId = Q_Session::id();

		if (Q_Valid::email($identifier, $emailAddress)) {
			$user = Users::userFromContactInfo('email', $emailAddress);
		} else if (Q_Valid::phone($identifier, $mobileNumber)) {
			$user = Users::userFromContactInfo('mobile', $mobileNumber);
		} else {
			throw new Q_Exception_WrongValue(array(
				'field' => 'identifier',
				'range' => 'email address or mobile number'
			), array('identifier', 'emailAddress', 'mobileNumber'));
		if (!$user) {
			throw new Users_Exception_NoSuchUser(compact('identifier'));

		// First, see if we've already logged in somehow
		if ($logged_in_user = self::loggedInUser()) {
			// Get logged in user from session
			if ($logged_in_user->id === $user->id) {
				return $logged_in_user;

		// User exists in database. Now check the passphrase.
		if (!$user->passphraseHash or $user->passphraseHash[0] !== '$') {
			throw new Users_Exception_WrongPassphrase(compact('identifier'), 'passphrase');
		} else {
			if (!$isHashed) {
				$passphrase = sha1($passphrase . "\t" . $user->id);
			if (!Users::verifyPassphrase($passphrase, $user->passphraseHash)) {
				throw new Users_Exception_WrongPassphrase(compact('identifier'), 'passphrase');

		 * @event Users/login {after}
		 * @param {string} identifier
		 * @param {string} passphrase
		 * @param {Users_User} 'user'
		Q::event('Users/login', compact(
			'identifier', 'passphrase', 'user'
		), 'after');
		// Now save this user in the session as the logged-in user
		return $user;


	 * Logs a user out
	 * @method logout
	 * @static
	static function logout()
		// Access the session, if we haven't already.
		$user = self::loggedInUser();
		$sessionId = Q_Session::id();

		 * One last chance to do something.
		 * Hooks shouldn't be able to cancel the logout, though.
		 * @event Users/logout {before}
		 * @param {Users_User} user
		Q::event('Users/logout', compact('user'), 'before');

		$deviceId = null;
		if ($session = Q_Session::row()) {
			$deviceId = isset($session->deviceId) ? $session->deviceId : null;
		if ($user) {
				"Q/method" => "Users/logout",
				"sessionId" => $sessionId,
				"userId" => $user->id,
				"deviceId" => $deviceId

			// forget the device for this user/session
				'userId' => $user->id,
				'sessionId' => $sessionId

		// Destroy the current session, which clears the $_SESSION and all notices, etc.
		 * After the logout has taken place
		 * @event Users/logout {after}
		 * @param {Users_User} user
		Q::event('Users/logout', compact('user'), 'after');

	 * Get the logged-in user's information
	 * @method loggedInUser
	 * @static
	 * @param {boolean} [$throwIfNotLoggedIn=false]
	 *   Whether to throw a Users_Exception_NotLoggedIn if no user is logged in.
	 * @param {boolean} [$startSession=true]
	 *   Whether to start a PHP session if one doesn't already exist.
	 * @return {Users_User|null}
	 * @throws {Users_Exception_NotLoggedIn} If user is not logged in and
	 *   $throwIfNotLoggedIn is true
	static function loggedInUser(
		$throwIfNotLoggedIn = false,
		$startSession = true)
		if ($startSession === false and !Q_Session::id()) {
			return null;

		$nonce = Q_Session::$nonceWasSet or Q_Valid::nonce($throwIfNotLoggedIn, true);

		if (!$nonce or !isset($_SESSION['Users']['loggedInUser']['id'])) {
			if ($throwIfNotLoggedIn) {
				throw new Users_Exception_NotLoggedIn();
			return null;
		$id = $_SESSION['Users']['loggedInUser']['id'];
		$user = Users_User::fetch($id);
		if (!$user and $throwIfNotLoggedIn) {
			throw new Users_Exception_NotLoggedIn();
		return $user;

	 * Use with caution! This bypasses the usual methods of authentication.
	 * This functionality should not be exposed externally.
	 * @method setLoggedInUser
	 * @static
	 * @param {Users_User|string} $user The user object or user id
	 * @param {array} [$options] Some options for the method
	 * @param {string} [$options.notice=Q_Config::expect('Users','login','notice')]
	 *  A notice to show to the newly logged-in user that they have been
	 *  logged in. This notice only appears if another user was logged in
	 *  before this method was called, to draw their attention to the sudden
	 *  switch. To turn off this notice, pass null here.
	 * @param {boolean} [$options.keepSessionId=false]
	 *  Set to true to skip regenerating the session id, perhaps because you just
	 *  generated your own session id and you are sure that 
	 *  there cannot be any session fixation attacks.
	 * @return {boolean} Whether logged in user id was changed.
	static function setLoggedInUser($user = null, $options = array())
		if ($user and is_string($user)) {
			$user = Users_User::fetch($user, true);
		$loggedInUserId = Q::ifset($_SESSION, 'Users', 'loggedInUser', 'id', null);
		if (!$user and $user->id === $loggedInUserId) {
			// This user is already the logged-in user. Do nothing.
			return false;
		 * @event Users/setLoggedInUser {before}
		 * @param {Users_User} user
		 * @param {string} loggedInUserId
		Q::event('Users/setLoggedInUser', compact('user', 'loggedInUserId'), 'before');
		if ($loggedInUserId) {
			// always log out existing user, so their session data isn't carried over
		} else {
			// Otherwise the session data of the logged-out user is merged
			// into the logged-in user's session, so it can be used!
		if (!$user) {
			// nothing more to do, this is essentially a call to log out

		// Change the session id to prevent session fixation attacks
		if (empty($options['keepSessionId'])) {
			$duration = null;
			$session = new Users_Session();
			$session->id = Q_Session::id();
			if ($session->id and $session->retrieve()) {
				$duration = $session->duration;
			$sessionId = Q_Session::regenerateId(true, $duration);

		// Store the new information in the session
		$snf = Q_Config::get('Q', 'session', 'nonceField', 'nonce');
		$_SESSION['Users']['loggedInUser']['id'] = $user->id;
		$user->sessionCount = isset($user->sessionCount)
			? $user->sessionCount + 1
			: 1;

		 * @event Users/setLoggedInUser/updateSessionId {before}
		 * @param {Users_User} user
		Q::event('Users/setLoggedInUser/updateSessionId', compact('user'), 'before');
		$user->sessionId = $sessionId;
		$user->save(); // update sessionId in user
		 * @event Users/setLoggedInUser/updateSessionId {after}
		 * @param {Users_User} user
		Q::event('Users/setLoggedInUser/updateSessionId', compact('user'), 'after');
		$votes = Users_Vote::select()
				'userId' => $user->id,
				'forType' => 'Users/hinted'
			))->fetchDbRows(null, null, 'forId');
		// Cache already shown hints in the session.
		// The consistency of this mechanism across sessions is not perfect, i.e.
		// the same hint may repeat in multiple concurrent sessions, but it's ok.
		$_SESSION['Users']['hinted'] = array_keys($votes);
		if ($loggedInUserId) {
			// Set a notice for the user to alert them that the account has changed
			$template = Q_Config::expect('Users', 'login', 'notice');
			$displayName = $user->displayName();
			$html = Q_Handlebars::renderSource($template, compact(
				'user', 'displayName'
			Q_Response::setNotice('Users::setLoggedInUser', $html, true);

		 * @event Users/setLoggedInUser {after}
		 * @param {Users_User} user
		Q::event('Users/setLoggedInUser', compact('user'), 'after');
		self::$loggedOut = false;
		return true;

	 * Registers a user in the system.
	 * @method register
	 * @static
	 * @param {string} $username The name of the user
	 * @param {string|array} $identifier Can be an email address or mobile number. Or it could be an array of $type => $info
	 * @param {string} [$identifier.identifier] an email address or phone number
	 * @param {array} [$identifier.device] an array with keys
	 *   "deviceId", "platform", "appId", "version", "formFactor"
	 *   to store in the Users_Device table for sending notifications
	 * @param {array} [$] an array with "platform" key, and optional "appId"
	 * @param {array|string|true} [$icon=true] By default, the user icon is "default".
	 *  But you can pass here an array of filename => url pairs, or a gravatar url to
	 *  download the various sizes from gravatar. Finally, you can pass true to
	 *  generate an icon instead of using the default icon.
	 *  If $identifier['app']['platform'] is specified, and $icon==true, then
	 *  an attempt will be made to download the icon from the user's account on the platform.
	 * @param {array} [$options=array()] An array of options that could include:
	 * @param {string} [$options.activation] The key under "Users"/"transactional" config to use for sending an activation message. Set to false to skip sending the activation message for some reason.
	 * @return {Users_User}
	 * @throws {Q_Exception_WrongType} If identifier is not e-mail or modile
	 * @throws {Q_Exception} If user was already verified for someone else
	 * @throws {Users_Exception_AlreadyVerified} If user was already verified
	 * @throws {Users_Exception_UsernameExists} If username exists
	static function register(
		$icon = array(), 
		$options = array())
		 * @event Users/register {before}
		 * @param {string} username
		 * @param {string|array} identifier
		 * @param {string} icon
		 * @param {string} platform
		 * @return {Users_User}
		$return = Q::event('Users/register', compact('username', 'identifier', 'icon', 'platform', 'options'), 'before');
		if (isset($return)) {
			return $return;

		$during = 'register';
		$platform = null;
		$appId = null;

		if (is_array($identifier)) {
			switch (key($identifier)) {
				case 'app':
					$app = $identifier['app'];
					$fields = array('platform');
					Q_Valid::requireFields($fields, $app, true);
					$platform = $app['platform'];
					$appId = Q::ifset($app, 'appId', null);
				case 'device':
					$device = $identifier['device'];
					$fields = array('deviceId', 'platform', 'appId', 'version', 'formFactor');
					Q_Valid::requireFields($fields, $device, true);
					$identifier = Q::ifset($identifier, 'identifier', null);
					if (empty($device['platform'])) {
						throw new Q_Exception_RequiredField(array('field' => 'identifier.device.platform'));
					$signedUpWith = $device['platform'];
					throw new Q_Exception_WrongType(array(
						'field' => 'identifier', 
						'type' => 'an array with entry named "device"'
		} else if (!$identifier) {
			throw new Q_Exception_RequiredField(array('field' => 'identifier'));
		$ui_identifier = null;
		if ($identifier) {
			if (Q_Valid::email($identifier, $emailAddress)) {
				$ui_identifier = $emailAddress;
				$key = 'email address';
				$signedUpWith = 'email';
			} else if (Q_Valid::phone($identifier, $mobileNumber)) {
				$ui_identifier = $mobileNumber;
				$key = 'mobile number';
				$signedUpWith = 'mobile';
			} else {
				throw new Q_Exception_WrongType(array(
					'field' => 'identifier',
					'type' => 'email address or mobile number'
				), array('emailAddress', 'mobileNumber'));

		$user = false;
		$inserting = true;
		if ($platform) {
			$platforms = Q_Config::get('Users', 'apps', 'platforms', array());
			if (!in_array($platform, $platforms)) {
				throw new Q_Exception_WrongValue(array(
					'field' => 'platform',
					'fieldpath' => 'One of the platforms named in Users/apps/platforms config'
			try {
				// authenticate (and possibly adopt) an existing platform user
				// or insert a new user during this authentication
				$user = Users::authenticate($platform, $appId, $authenticated, null);
			} catch (Exception $e) {

			if ($user) {
				$inserting = false;
			if ($user and $authenticated === 'adopted') {
				 * @event Users/adoptFutureUser {before}
				 * @param {Users_User} user
				 * @param {string} during
				 * @return {Users_User}
				$ret = Q::event('Users/adoptFutureUser', compact('user', 'during'), 'before');
				if ($ret) {
					$user = $ret;
		if (!$user) {
			$user = new Users_User(); // the user we will save in the database
		if ($inserting and $ui_identifier) {
			// We will be inserting a new user into the database, so check if
			// this identifier was already verified for someone else.
			$ui = Users::identify($signedUpWith, $ui_identifier);
			if ($ui) {
				throw new Users_Exception_AlreadyVerified(compact('key'), array(
					'emailAddress', 'mobileNumber', 'identifier'

		if ($username) {
			if ( ! preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9\-_]+$/', $username)) {
				throw new Q_Exception_WrongType(array(
					'field' => 'username',
					'type' => 'valid username'
				), array('username'));
		// Insert a new user into the database, or simply modify an existing (adopted) user
		$user->username = $username;
		if (!isset($user->signedUpWith) or $user->signedUpWith == 'none') {
			$user->signedUpWith = $signedUpWith;
		$user->icon = '{{Users}}/img/icons/default';
		$user->passphraseHash = '';
		$url_parts = parse_url(Q_Request::baseUrl());
		if (isset($url_parts['host'])) {
			// By default, the user's url would be this:
			$user->url = "http://".$user->id.'.'.$url_parts['host'];
		 * @event Users/insertUser {before}
		 * @param {string} during
		 * @param {Users_User} user
		Q::event('Users/insertUser', compact('user', 'during'), 'before');

		$user->id = Users_User::db()->uniqueId(Users_User::table(), 'id', null, array(
			'filter' => array('Users_User', 'idFilter')

		// the following code could throw exceptions
		if (empty($user->emailAddress) and empty($user->mobileNumber)
			and ($signedUpWith === 'email' or $signedUpWith === 'mobile')) {
			// Add an email address or mobile number to the user, that they'll have to verify
			$activation = Q::ifset($options, 'activation', 'activation');
			if ($activation) {
				$subject = Q_Config::get('Users', 'transactional', $activation, "subject", null);
				$body = Q_Config::get('Users', 'transactional', $activation, "body", null);
			} else {
				$subject = $body = null;
			if ($signedUpWith === 'email') {
				$user->addEmail($identifier, $subject, $body, array(), $options);
			} else if ($signedUpWith === 'mobile') {
				$p = $options;
				if ($delay = Q_Config::get('Users', 'register', 'delaySms', 0)) {
					$p['delay'] = $delay;
				$sms = Q_Config::get('Users', 'transactional', $activation, "sms", null);
				$user->addMobile($mobileNumber, $sms, array(), $p);
		if (!empty($device)) {
			$device['userId'] = $user->id;

		$user->save(); // saves the user with the id

		 * @event Users/insertUser {after}
		 * @param {string} during
		 * @param {Users_User} user
		Q::event('Users/insertUser', compact('user', 'during'), 'after');

		$sizes = Q_Config::expect('Users', 'icon', 'sizes');
		if (!isset($icon)) {
			if ($app_user = Users_AppUser::authenticate($platform, $appId)) {
				$icon = $app_user->icon($sizes, '.png');
		} else {
			// Import the user's icon and save it
			if (is_string($icon)) {
				// assume it's from gravatar
				$iconString = $icon;
				$icon = array();
				foreach ($sizes as $size) {
					$icon["$size.png"] = "$iconString&s=$size";
			} else if ($icon === true) {
				// locally generated icons
				$hash = md5(strtolower(trim($identifier)));
				$icon = array();
				foreach ($sizes as $size) {
					$icon["$size.png"] = array('hash' => $hash, 'size' => $size);
		if (!Q_Config::get('Users', 'register', 'icon', 'leaveDefault', false)) {
			self::importIcon($user, $icon);

		 * @event Users/register {after}
		 * @param {string} username
		 * @param {string|array} identifier
		 * @param {string} icon
		 * @param {Users_User} user
		 * @param {string} platform
		 * @return {Users_User}
		$return = Q::event('Users/register', compact(
			'username', 'identifier', 'icon', 'user', 'platform', 'options', 'device'
		), 'after');

		// Shouldn't this be return $return not return $user?
		return $user;

	 * Returns a user in the database that corresponds to the contact info, if any.
	 * @method userFromContactInfo
	 * @static
	 * @param {string} $type can be "email", "mobile",the name of a platform,
	 *  or any of the above with optional "_hashed" suffix to indicate
	 *  that the value has already been hashed.
	 * @param {string} $value The value corresponding to the type. If $type is
	 * * "email" - this is one of the user's email addresses
	 * * "mobile" - this is one of the user's mobile numbers
	 * * "email_hashed" - this is the standard hash of the user's email address
	 * * "mobile_hashed" - this is the standard hash of the user's mobile number
	 * * $platform - this is the user's id on that platform
	 * @return {Users_User|null}
	static function userFromContactInfo($type, $value)
		$ui = Users::identify($type, $value, null, $normalized);
		if (!$ui) {
			return null;
		$user = new Users_User();
		$user->id = $ui->userId;
		if (!$user->retrieve()) {
			return null;
		$user->set('identify', $ui);
		return $user;

	 * Returns Users_Identifier rows that correspond to the identifier in the database, if any.
	 * @method identify
	 * @static
	 * @param {string|array} $type can be "email", "mobile",the name of a platform,
	 *  or any of the above with optional "_hashed" suffix to indicate
	 *  that the value has already been hashed.
	 *   It could also be an array of ($type => $value) pairs. Then $state should be null.
	 * @param {string} $value The value corresponding to the type. If $type is
	 * * "email" - this is one of the user's email addresses
	 * * "mobile" - this is one of the user's mobile numbers
	 * * "email_hashed" - this is the standard hash of the user's email address
	 * * "mobile_hashed" - this is the standard hash of the user's mobile number
	 * * $platform - this is the user's id on that platform
	 * @param {string} [$state='verified'] The state of the identifier => userId mapping.
	 *  Could also be 'future' to find identifiers attached to a "future user",
	 *  and can also be null (in which case we find mappings in all states)
	 * @param {&string} [$normalized=null]
	 * @return {Users_Identify|null}
	 *  The row corresponding to this type and value, otherwise null
	static function identify($type, $value, $state = 'verified', &$normalized=null)
		$identifiers = array();
		$expected_array = is_array($type);
		$types = is_array($type) ? $type : array($type => $value);
		foreach ($types as $type => $value) {
			list($hashed, $ui_type) = self::hashing($value, $type);
			$identifiers = "$ui_type:$hashed";
		$uis = Users_Identify::select()->where(array(
			'identifier' => $identifiers,
			'state' => isset($state) ? $state : array('verified', 'future')
		if ($expected_array) {
			return $uis;
		return !empty($uis) ? reset($uis) : null;

	 * Returns a user in the database that will correspond to a new user in the future
	 * once they authenticate or follow an invite.
	 * Inserts a new user if one doesn't already exist.
	 * @method futureUser
	 * @param {string} $type can be "email", "mobile",the name of a platform,
	 *  or any of the above with optional "_hashed" suffix to indicate
	 *  that the value has already been hashed.
	 * @param {string} $value The value corresponding to the type. The type
	 *  can be "email", "mobile", the name of a platform, or any of the above
	 *  with optional "_hashed" suffix to indicate that the value has already been hashed.
	 *  It can also be "none", in which case the type is ignored, no "identify" rows are
	 *  inserted into the database at this time. Later, as the user adds an email address
	 *  or platform uids, they will be inserted.
	 * <br><br>
	 * NOTE: If the person we are representing here comes and registers the regular way,
	 * and then later adds an email, mobile, or authenticates with a platform,
	 * which happens to match the "future" mapping we inserted in users_identify table, 
	 * then this futureUser will not be converted, since they already registered
	 * a different user. Later on, we may have some sort function to merge users together. 
	 * @param {&string} [$status=null] The status of the user - 'verified' or 'future'
	 * @return {Users_User}
	 * @throws {Q_Exception_WrongType} If $type is not supported
	 * @throws {Q_Exception_MissingRow} If identity for user exists but user does not exists
	static function futureUser($type, $value, &$status = null)
		if ($type !== 'none') {
			$ui = Users::identify($type, $value, null);
			if ($ui && !empty($ui->userId)) {
				$user = new Users_User();
				$user->id = $ui->userId;
				if ($user->retrieve()) {
					$status = $ui->state;
					return $user;
				} else {
					$userId = $ui->userId;
					throw new Q_Exception_MissingRow(array(
						'table' => 'user',
						'criteria' => 'that id'
					), 'userId');

		// Make a user row to represent a "future" user and give them an empty username
		$user = new Users_User();
		if ($type === 'email') {
			$user->setEmailAddress($value, true);
		} else if ($type === 'mobile') {
			$user->setMobileNumber($value, true);
		} else if (substr($type, -7) !== '_hashed') {
			$user->setUid($type, $value, true);
		$user->signedUpWith = 'none'; // this marks it as a future user for now
		$user->username = "";
		$user->icon = '{{Users}}/img/icons/future';
		$during = 'future';
		 * @event Users/insertUser {before}
		 * @param {string} during
		 * @param {Users_User} 'user'
		Q::event('Users/insertUser', compact('user', 'during'), 'before');
		$user->save(); // sets the user's id
		 * @event Users/insertUser {after}
		 * @param {string} during
		 * @param {Users_User} user
		Q::event('Users/insertUser', compact('user', 'during'), 'after');

		if ($type != 'email' and $type != 'mobile') {
			if ($type !== 'none') {
				// Save an identifier => user pair for this future user
				$ui = new Users_Identify();
				$ui->identifier = "$type:$value";
				$ui->state = 'future';
				if (!$ui->retrieve()) {
					$ui->userId = $user->id;
				$status = $ui->state;
			} else {
				$status = 'future';
		} else {
			// Find existing identifier or save a new one
			$ui = new Users_Identify();
			list($hashed, $ui_type) = self::hashing($value, $type);
			$hashed = Q_Utils::hash($value);
			$ui->identifier = "$ui_type:$hashed";
			$ui->state = 'future';
			if (!$ui->retrieve()) {
				$ui->userId = $user->id;
			$status = $ui->state;
		return $user;

	 * Returns external data about the user
	 * @method external
	 * @param {string} $publisherId The id of the user corresponding to the publisher consuming the external data
	 * @param {string} $userId The id of the user whose external data is going to be consumed
	 * @return {Users_External}
	static function external($publisherId, $userId)
		$ue = new User_External();
		$ue->publisherId = $publisherId;
		$ue->userId = $userId;
		if (!$ue->retrieve()) {
			$ue->save(); // should create a unique xid
		return $ue;

	 * Imports an icon and sets $user->icon to the url.
	 * @method importIcon
	 * @static
	 * @param {array} $user The user for whom the icon should be downloaded
	 * @param {array} [$urls=array()] Array of urls
	 * @param {string} [$directory=null] Defaults to APP/files/APP/uploads/Users/USERID/icon/imported
	 * @return {string} the path to the icon directory
	static function importIcon($user, $urls = array(), $directory = null)
		if (empty($directory)) {
			$app = Q::app();
			$directory = APP_FILES_DIR.DS.$app.DS.'uploads'.DS.'Users'
		if (empty($urls)) {
			return $directory;
		Q_Utils::canWriteToPath($directory, false, true);
		$type = Q_Config::get('Users', 'login', 'iconType', 'wavatar');
		$largestSize = 0;
		$largestUrl = null;
		$largestImage = null;
		foreach ($urls as $basename => $url) {
			if (!is_string($url)) continue;
			$filename = $directory.DS.$basename;
			$info = pathinfo($filename);
			$size = $info['filename'];
			if ((string)(int)$size !== $size) continue;
			if ($largestSize < (int)$size) {
				$largestSize = (int)$size;
				$largestUrl = $url;
		if ($largestSize) {
			$largestImage = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($largestUrl));
		foreach ($urls as $basename => $url) {
			if (is_string($url)) {
				$filename = $directory.DS.$basename;
				$info = pathinfo($filename);
				$size = $info['filename'];
				$success = false;
				if ($largestImage and (string)(int)$size === $size) {
					if ($size == $largestSize) {
						$image = $largestImage;
						$success = true;
					} else {
						$image = imagecreatetruecolor($size, $size);
						imagealphablending($image, false);
						$success = imagecopyresampled(
							$image, $largestImage, 
							0, 0, 
							0, 0, 
							$size, $size, 
							$largestSize, $largestSize
				if (!$success) {
					$ch = curl_init();
					curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
					curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
					curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
					$data = curl_exec($ch);
					$image = imagecreatefromstring($data);
				$info = pathinfo($filename);
				switch ($info['extension']) {
					case 'png':
						$func = 'imagepng';
						imagesavealpha($image, true);
						imagealphablending($image, true);
					case 'jpeg':
					case 'jpeg':
						$func = 'imagejpeg';
					case 'gif':
						$func = 'imagegif';
				call_user_func($func, $image, $directory.DS.$info['filename'].'.png');
			} else {
					Q_Config::get('Users', 'login', 'gravatar', false)
		$head = APP_FILES_DIR.DS.$app.DS.'uploads';
		$tail = str_replace(DS, '/', substr($directory, strlen($head)));
		$user->icon = '{{baseUrl}}/Q/uploads'.$tail;
		return $directory;

	 * Hashes a passphrase
	 * @method hashPassphrase
	 * @static
	 * @param {string} $passphrase the passphrase to hash
	 * @return {string} the hashed passphrase, or "" if the passphrase was ""
	static function hashPassphrase ($passphrase)
		if ($passphrase === '') {
			return '';
		return password_hash($passphrase, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);

		// $hash_function = Q_Config::get(
		// 	'Users', 'passphrase', 'hashFunction', 'sha1'
		// );
		// $passphraseHash_iterations = Q_Config::get(
		// 	'Users', 'passphrase', 'hashIterations', 1103
		// );
		// $salt_length = Q_Config::set('Users', 'passphrase', 'saltLength', 0);
		// if ($salt_length > 0) {
		// 	if (empty($existing_hash)) {
		// 		$salt = substr(sha1(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)), 0,
		// 			$salt_length);
		// 	} else {
		// 		$salt = substr($existing_hash, - $salt_length);
		// 	}
		// }
		// $salt2 = isset($salt) ? '_'.$salt : '';
		// $result = $passphrase;
		// // custom hash function
		// if (!is_callable($hash_function)) {
		// 	throw new Q_Exception_MissingFunction(array(
		// 		'function_name' => $hash_function
		// 	));
		// }
		// $confounder = $passphrase . $salt2;
		// $confounder_len = strlen($confounder);
		// for ($i = 0; $i < $passphraseHash_iterations; ++$i) {
		// 	$result = call_user_func(
		// 		$hash_function,
		// 		$result . $confounder[$i % $confounder_len]
		// 	);
		// }
		// $result .= $salt2;
		// return $result;
	 * Verifies a passphrase against a hash generated previously
	 * @method hashPassphrase
	 * @static
	 * @param {string} $passphrase the passphrase to hash
	 * @param {string} $existing_hash the hash that is was previously generated
	 * @return {boolean} whether the password is verified to be correct, or not
	static function verifyPassphrase ($passphrase, $existing_hash)
		return password_verify($passphrase, $existing_hash);
	 * Get the internal app id and info
	 * @method appId
	 * @static
	 * @param {string} $platform The platform or platform for the app
	 * @param {string} $appId Can be either an internal or external app id
	 * @return {array} Returns array($appId, $appInfo)
	static function appInfo($platform, $appId)
		$apps = Q_Config::get('Users', 'apps', $platform, array());
		if (isset($apps[$appId])) {
			$appInfo = $apps[$appId];
		} else {
			$id = $appInfo = null;
			foreach ($apps as $k => $v) {
				if ($v['appId'] === $appId) {
					$appInfo = $v;
					$id = $k;
			$appId = $id;
		return array($appId, $appInfo);

	 * Adds a link to someone who is not yet a user
	 * @method addLink
	 * @static
	 * @param {string} $address Could be email address, mobile number, etc.
	 * @param {string} [$type=null] can be "email", "mobile",the name of a platform,
	 *  or any of the above with optional "_hashed" suffix to indicate
	 *  that the value has already been hashed.
	 *  If null, the function tries to guess the $type by using Q_Valid functions.
	 * @param {array} [$extraInfo=array()] Associative array of information you have imported
	 * from the address book. Should contain at least the keys:
	 * * "firstName" => the imported first name
	 * * "lastName" => the imported last name
	 * * "labels" => array of the imported names of the contact groups to add this user to once they sign up
	 * @return {boolean|integer} Returns true if the link row was created
	 * Or returns a string $userId if user already exists and has verified this address.
	 * @throws {Q_Exception_WrongValue} If $address is not a valid id
	 * @throws {Users_Exception_NotLoggedIn} If user is not logged in
	static function addLink(
		$type = null,
		$extraInfo = array())
		list($hashed, $ui_type) = self::hashing($address, $type);

		$user = Users::loggedInUser(true);

		// Check if the contact user already exists, and if so, add a contact instead of a link
		$ui = Users::identify($ui_type, $address);
		if ($ui) {
			// Add a contact instead of a link
			$user->addContact($ui->userId, Q::ifset($extraInfo, 'labels', null));
			return $user->id;

		// Add a link if one isn't already there
		$link = new Users_Link();
		$link->identifier = "$ui_type:$hashed";
		$link->userId = $user->id;
		if ($link->retrieve()) {
			return false;
		$link->extraInfo = Q::json_encode($extraInfo);
		return true;

	 * @method links
	 * @static
	 * @param {array} $contactInfo An array of key => value pairs, where keys
	 *  can be "email", "mobile", the name of a platform, or any of the above
	 *  with optional "_hashed" suffix to indicate that the value has already been hashed.
	 * @return {array}
	 *  Returns an array of all links to this user's contact info
	static function links($contactInfo)
		$links = array();
		$identifiers = array();
		foreach ($contactInfo as $k => $v) {
			list($hashed, $ui_type) = self::hashing($v, $k);
			$identifiers[] = "$ui_type:$hashed";
		return Users_Link::select()->where(array(
			'identifier' => $identifiers

	 * Inserts some Users_Contact rows for the locally registered users
	 * who have added links to this particular contact information.
	 * Removes the links after successfully adding the Users_Contact rows.
	 * @method saveContactsFromLinks
	 * @static
	 * @param {array} $contactInfo An array of key => value pairs, where keys
	 *  can be "email", "mobile", the name of a platform, or any of the above
	 *  with optional "_hashed" suffix to indicate that the value has already been hashed.
	 * @param {string} $userId The id of the user who has verified these identifiers
	 * @throws {Users_Exception_NoSuchUser} if the user wasn't found in the database
	static function saveContactsFromLinks($contactInfo, $userId)
		 * @event Users/saveContactsFromLinks {before}
		Q::event('Users/saveContactsFromLinks', array(), 'before');

		$user = Users_User::fetch($userId, true);
		$links = $contactInfo
			? Users::links($contactInfo)
			: array();

		$contacts = array();
		foreach ($links as $link) {
			$extraInfo = Q::json_decode($link->extraInfo, true);
			$firstName = Q::ifset($extraInfo, 'firstName', '');
			$lastName = Q::ifset($extraInfo, 'lastName', '');
			$fullName = $firstName
				? ($lastName ? "$firstName $lastName" : $firstName)
				: ($lastName ? $lastName : "");
			if (!empty($extraInfo['labels']) and is_array($extraInfo['labels'])) {
				foreach ($extraInfo['labels'] as $label) {
					// Insert the contacts one by one, so if an error occurs
					// we can continue right on inserting the rest.
					$contact = new Users_Contact();
					$contact->userId = $link->userId;
					$contact->contactUserId = $user->id;
					$contact->label = $label;
					$contact->nickname = $fullName;
					$link->remove(); // we don't need this link anymore

					// TODO: Think about porting this to Node
					// and setting a flag when done.
					// Perhaps we should send a custom message through
					// which would cause Users.js to add a notice to the interface
		 * @event Users/saveContactsFromLinks {after}
		 * @param {array} contacts
		Q::event('Users/saveContactsFromLinks', compact('contacts'), 'after');

		// TODO: Add a handler to this event in the Streams plugin, so that
		// we post this information to a stream on the hub, which will
		// update all its subscribers, who will also run saveContactsFromLinks
		// for their local users.

	 * Get the email address or mobile number from the request, if it can be deduced.
	 * Note: it should still be tested for validity.
	 * @method requestedIdentifier
	 * @static
	 * @param {&string} [$type=null] The identifier's type will be filled here. Might be "email", "mobile", "facebook" etc.
	 * @return {string|null} The identifier, or null if one wasn't requested
	static function requestedIdentifier(&$type = null)
		$identifier = null;
		$type = null;
		if (!empty($_REQUEST['identifier'])) {
			$identifier = $_REQUEST['identifier'];
			if (isset($identifier['app']['platform'])) {
				$type = $identifier['app']['platform'];
				$identifier = Q::ifset($identifier, 'identifier', null);
			} else if (Q_Valid::email($identifier, $normalized)) {
				$type = 'email';
			} else if (Q_Valid::phone($identifier, $normalized)) {
				$type = 'mobile';
		if (!empty($_REQUEST['emailAddress'])) {
			$identifier = $_REQUEST['emailAddress'];
			Q_Valid::email($identifier, $normalized);
			$type = 'email';
		if (!empty($_REQUEST['mobileNumber'])) {
			$identifier = $_REQUEST['mobileNumber'];
			Q_Valid::phone($identifier, $normalized);
			$type = 'mobile';
		return isset($normalized) ? $normalized : $identifier;

	static function termsLabel($for = 'register')
		$terms_uri = Q_Config::get('Users', $for, 'terms', 'uri', null);
		$terms_label = Q_Config::get('Users', $for, 'terms', 'label', null);
		$terms_title = Q_Config::get('Users', $for, 'terms', 'title', null);
		if (!$terms_uri or !$terms_title or !$terms_label) {
			return null;
		$terms_link = Q_Html::a(
			Q::interpolate($terms_uri, array('baseUrl' => Q_Request::baseUrl())),
			array('target' => '_blank'),
		return Q::interpolate($terms_label, array('link' => $terms_link));
	 * Get the url of a user's icon
	 * @param {string} [$icon] The contents of a user row's icon field
	 * @param {string} [$basename=null] The last part after the slash, such as "50.png"
	 * @return {string} The stream's icon url
	static function iconUrl($icon, $basename = null)
		if (empty($icon)) {
			return '';
		$url = Q_Uri::interpolateUrl($icon);
		$url = (Q_Valid::url($url) or mb_substr($icon, 0, 2) === '{{') 
			? $url 
			: "{{Users}}/img/icons/$url";
		if ($basename and strpos($basename, '.') === false) {
			$basename .= ".png";
		if ($basename) {
			$url .= "/$basename";
		return Q_Html::themedUrl($url);
	 * Checks whether one user can manage contacts of another user
	 * @static
	 * @param {string} $asUserId The user who would be doing the managing
	 * @param {string} $userId The user whose contacts they are
	 * @param {string} $label The label of the contacts that will be managed
	 * @param {boolean} [$throwIfNotAuthorized=false] Throw an exception if not authorized
	 * @param {boolean} [$readOnly=false] Whether we just want to know if the user can view the labels
	 * @return {boolean} Whether a contact with this label is allowed to be managed
	 * @throws {Users_Exception_NotAuthorized}
	static function canManageContacts(
		$throwIfNotAuthorized = false,
		$readOnly = false
	) {
		if ($asUserId === false) {
			return true;
		if (!isset($asUserId)) {
			$user = Users::loggedInUser();
			$asUserId = $user ? $user->id : '';
		$authorized = false;
		$result = Q::event(
			compact('asUserId', 'userId', 'label', 'throwIfNotAuthorized', 'readOnly'),
		if ($result) {
			$authorized = $result;
		} else if ($asUserId === $userId) {
			if ($readOnly or substr($label, 0, 6) === 'Users/') {
				$authorized = true;
		if (!$authorized and $throwIfNotAuthorized) {
			throw new Users_Exception_NotAuthorized();
		return $authorized;
	 * Checks whether one user can manage contact labels of another user
	 * @static
	 * @param {string} $asUserId The user who would be doing the managing
	 * @param {string} $userId The user whose contact labels they are
	 * @param {string} $label The label that will be managed
	 * @param {boolean} $throwIfNotAuthorized Throw an exception if not authorized
	 * @param {boolean} $readOnly Whether we just want to know if the user can view the labels
	 * @return {boolean} Whether this label is allowed to be managed
	 * @throws {Users_Exception_NotAuthorized}
	static function canManageLabels(
		$throwIfNotAuthorized = false,
		$readOnly = false
	) {
		if ($asUserId === false) {
			return true;
		$authorized = false;
		$result = Q::event(
			compact('asUserId', 'userId', 'label', 'throwIfNotAuthorized', 'readOnly'),
		if ($result) {
			$authorized = $result;
		} else if ($asUserId === $userId) {
			if ($readOnly or substr($label, 0, 6) === 'Users/') {
				$authorized = true;
		if (!$authorized and $throwIfNotAuthorized) {
			throw new Users_Exception_NotAuthorized();
		return $authorized;
	protected static function hashing($identifier, $type = null)
		// process the address first
		$identifier = trim($identifier);
		if (substr($type, -7) === '_hashed') {
			$hashed = $identifier;
			$ui_type = $type;
		} else {
			switch ($type) {
				case 'email':
					if (!Q_Valid::email($identifier, $normalized)) {
						throw new Q_Exception_WrongValue(
							array('field' => 'identifier', 'range' => 'email address')
				case 'mobile':
					if (!Q_Valid::phone($identifier, $normalized)) {
						throw new Q_Exception_WrongValue(
							array('field' => 'identifier', 'range' => 'phone number')
				case 'facebook':
				case 'twitter':
					if (!is_numeric($identifier)) {
						throw new Q_Exception_WrongValue(
							array('field' => 'address', 'range' => 'numeric uid')
					$normalized = $identifier;
				case 'ios':
				case 'android':
					if (!is_string($identifier)) {
						throw new Q_Exception_WrongValue(
							array('field' => 'identifier', 'range' => 'string uid')
					$normalized = $identifier;
			$hashed = Q_Utils::hash($normalized);
			$ui_type = $type.'_hashed';
		return array($hashed, $ui_type, substr($ui_type, 0, -7));

	 * @property $loggedOut
	 * @type boolean
	public static $loggedOut;
	 * @property $cache
	 * @type array
	 * @default array()
	public static $cache = array();

	/* * * */
