
File: platform/plugins/Streams/handlers/Streams/import/post.php


 * @module Streams

 * Can be used by $app/admins of a community.
 * Starts a Streams/task to create users from an uploaded csv file, and
 * invite them to the "Streams/experience/main" stream, as well as any
 * other experience streams named in the csv.
 * @class HTTP Streams import
 * @method post
 * @param {array} [$_REQUEST]
 * @param {string} [$_REQUEST.communityId=Users::communityId] If you want to override it
 * @param {string} [$_REQUEST.taskStreamName] Pass the name of a task stream to resume it.
 *    In this case, you don't need to pass the file, because it was saved.
 * @param {array} [$_FILES] Array consisting of one or more CSV files.
 *  The first line consists of titles or names of streams loaded from
 *  JSON files named under Streams/userStreams config.
 *  The users are invited to the "Streams/experience/main" experience,
 *  and any other experiences listed in the "Experiences" column, if it
 *  is present in the CSV file.
 * @return {void}
function Streams_import_post()
	$app = Q::app();
	$luid = Users::loggedInUser(true)->id;
	$communityId = Q::ifset($_REQUEST, 'communityId', Users::communityId());

	$all = Streams::userStreamsTree()->getAll();
	$exceptions = array();
	$users = array();

	$task = isset($_REQUEST['taskStreamName'])
		? Streams::fetchOne($luid, $communityId, $_REQUEST['taskStreamName'], true)
		: Streams::create($luid, $communityId, 'Streams/task', array(
			'skipAccess' => true,
			'title' => 'Importing members into ' . Users::communityName()
		), array(
			'publisherId' => $app,
			'streamName' => "Streams/tasks/app",
			'type' => 'Streams/import'
	Q_Response::setSlot('taskStreamName', $task->name);

	// TODO: make worker php scripts that loop and find task streams
	// which have not been finished yet, start a transaction to
	// mark their state "progress", and start processing the items.
	// Also have way to inquire about whether a task is in progress,
	// and if no response within a certain timeout, mark it as paused,
	// available for any other worker to resume making progress on it.

	// store the instructions
	if (!empty($_FILES)) {
		$file = reset($_FILES);
		$tmp = $file['tmp_name'];
		$task->instructions = file_get_contents($tmp);
	if (!$task->instructions) {
	$instructions = $task->instructions;

	// Send the response and keep   going.
	// WARN: this potentially ties up the PHP thread for a long time
	$timeLimit = Q_Config::get('Streams', 'import', 'timeLimit', 100000);
	// count the number of rows
	$lineCount = substr_count($instructions, PHP_EOL);
	$task->setAttribute('items', $lineCount);

	// start parsing the rows
	$j = 0;
	foreach (Q_Utils::csvLines($instructions) as $line) {
		$row = str_getcsv($line, ",");
		if (!$row) {
		if (++$j === 1) {
			// get the fields from the first row
			$fields = str_getcsv($instructions, ',');
			if ($fields === false) {
			$emailAddressKey = Q_Utils::normalize('Email Address');
			$mobileNumberKey = Q_Utils::normalize('Mobile Number');
			$processed = $task->getAttribute('processed', 0);
		if ($j <= $processed) {
		$notEmpty = false;
		foreach ($row as $v) {
			if ($v) {
				$notEmpty = true;
		if (!$notEmpty) {

		// get the data from the row
		$data = array();
		$importUserData = array();
		$streamNames = array();
		foreach ($row as $i => $value) {
			$field = $fields[$i];
			$fn = Q_Utils::normalize($field);
			$data[$fn] = $value;
			if ($fn === 'experiences') {
				$experiences = explode("\n", $value);
				foreach ($experiences as $experience) {
					$streams = Streams::lookup($communityId, 'Streams/experience', $value);
					$stream = reset($streams);
					if (!$stream) {
						$vn = Q_Utils::normalize($value);
						$stream = Streams::fetchOne($luid, $communityId, "Streams/experience/$vn");
						if (!$stream) {
							$stream = Streams::create($luid, $communityId, 'Streams/experience', array(
								'name' => "Streams/experience/$vn",
								'title' => $value
					$streamNames[] = $stream->name;
			if ($fn === 'labels') {
				$labelTitles = explode("\n", $value);
			foreach ($all as $n => $info) {
				if ($fn === Q_Utils::normalize($n)
				or $fn === Q_Utils::normalize(Q::ifset($info, 'title', ''))) {
					$importUserData[$n] = $value;

		try {
			$streams = Streams::fetch($luid, $communityId, $streamNames);
			foreach ($streams as $stream) {
				if (!$stream->testAdminLevel('manage')) {
					throw new Users_Exception_NotAuthorized();

			// prepare the identifier
			Users::$cache['importUserData'] = $importUserData;
			$emailAddress = Q::ifset($data, $emailAddressKey, null);
			$mobileNumber = Q::ifset($data, $mobileNumberKey, null);
			if ($mobileNumber and $emailAddress) {
				if (Users::identify('mobile', $mobileNumber)) {
					$identifier = $mobileNumber;
					$alsoAddEmail = $emailAddress;
				} else if (Users::identify('email', $emailAddress)) {
					$identifier = $emailAddress;
					$alsoAddMobile = $mobileNumber;
				} else {
					$identifier = $mobileNumber;
					$alsoAddEmail = $emailAddress;
			} else if ($mobileNumber) {
				$identifier = $mobileNumber;
			} else if ($emailAddress) {
				$identifier = $emailAddress;
			} else {
				continue; // no one to invite
			$identifier = $mobileNumber ? $mobileNumber : $emailAddress;

			// invite the user
			$sn = 'Streams/experience/main';
			$result = Streams::invite($communityId, $sn, compact('identifier'));
			Users::$cache['importUserData'] = null; // already saved this data
			$userId = reset($result['userIds']);
			$users[$userId] = $user = Users::fetch($userId, true);
			if (isset($alsoAddEmail)) {
				$user->addEmail($alsoAddEmail); // sends addEmail message
			if (isset($alsoAddMobile)) {
				$user->addMobile($alsoAddMobile); // sends addMobile message
			$task->setAttribute('processed', $j);
			$task->setAttribute('progress', min($j / $lineCount, 1));
			$task->post($luid, array(
				'type' => 'Streams/task/progress',
				'instructions' => compact('mobileNumber', 'emailAddress', 'user', 'processed', 'progress'),
			), true);
			foreach ($streamNames as $sn) {
				// the following sends an invite message and link by email or mobile
				Streams::invite($communityId, $sn, compact('identifier'));
			if (!empty($labelTitles)) {
				$labels = Users_Label::fetch($luid);
				foreach ($labelTitles as $title) {
					$found = false;
					foreach ($labels as $label) {
						if ($label->title = $title) {
							$found = true;
					$tn = Q_Utils::normalize($title);
					$label = "Users/$tn";
					if (!$found) {
						Users_Label::addLabel($label, $communityId, $title, $luid);
					Users_Contact::addContact($communityId, $label, $userId, null, $luid);
		} catch (Exception $e) {
			$exceptions[$j] = $e;
	// if we reached here, then the task has completed
	$task->instructions = '';
	$task->post($luid, array(
		'type' => 'Streams/task/complete'
	), true);