File: platform/plugins/Streams/classes/Streams/RelatedTo.php
* @module Streams
* Class representing 'RelatedTo' rows in the 'Streams' database
* You can create an object of this class either to
* access its non-static methods, or to actually
* represent a related_to row in the Streams database.
* @class Streams_RelatedTo
* @extends Base_Streams_RelatedTo
class Streams_RelatedTo extends Base_Streams_RelatedTo
* The setUp() method is called the first time
* an object of this class is constructed.
* @method setUp
function setUp()
* @method getAllExtras
* @return {array} The array of all extras set in the stream
function getAllExtras()
return empty($this->extra)
? array()
: json_decode($this->extra, true);
* @method getExtra
* @param {string} $extraName The name of the extra to get
* @param {mixed} $default The value to return if the extra is missing
* @return {mixed} The value of the extra, or the default value, or null
function getExtra($extraName, $default = null)
$attr = $this->getAllExtras();
return isset($attr[$extraName]) ? $attr[$extraName] : $default;
* @method setExtra
* @param {string} $extraName The name of the extra to set,
* or an array of $extraName => $extraValue pairs
* @param {mixed} $value The value to set the extra to
* @return Streams_RelatedTo
function setExtra($extraName, $value = null)
$attr = $this->getAllExtras();
if (is_array($extraName)) {
foreach ($extraName as $k => $v) {
$attr[$k] = $v;
} else {
$attr[$extraName] = $value;
$this->extra = Q::json_encode($attr);
return $this;
* @method clearExtra
* @param {string} $extraName The name of the extra to remove
function clearExtra($extraName)
$attr = $this->getAllExtras();
$this->extra = Q::json_encode($attr);
* @method clearAllExtras
function clearAllExtras()
$this->extra = '{}';
* Fetch all the relations given multiple category streams,
* and sort them by ascending weight.
* @method fetchAll
* @static
* @param {string} $publisherId The publisher of the category streams
* @param {array} $streamNames Array of criteria to put for stream names,
* which can include strings, arrays, Db_Range or Db_Expression objects.
* @param {string|array} $relationType The type of the relation.
* Can also be an array of criteria corresponding to the $streamNames array.
* @param {array} [$options=array()] Options to apss to the Streams::related function.
* Can also include the following:
* @param {string} [$options.asUserId] Override the default user id to fetch streams as.
* Not used for now, since this function always fetches the relations only.
* @return {array} An array of Streams_RelatedTo objects sorted by ascending weight.
static function fetchAll($publisherId, $streamNames, $relationType, $options = array())
$result = array();
foreach ($streamNames as $i => $streamName) {
$type = is_string($relationType)
? $relationType
: $relationType[$i];
$options['relationsOnly'] = true;
$options['type'] = $type;
$relations = Streams::related(
Q::ifset($options, 'asUserId', null),
$result = array_merge($result, $relations);
uasort($result, array('Streams_RelatedTo', '_compareByWeight'));
return $result;
static function _compareByWeight($a, $b)
return ($a->weight !== $b->weight)
? ($a->weight > $b->weight ? 1 : -1)
: 0;
* Implements the __set_state method, so it can work with
* with var_export and be re-imported successfully.
* @method __set_state
* @param {array} $array
* @return {Streams_RelatedTo} Class instance
static function __set_state(array $array) {
$result = new Streams_RelatedTo();
foreach($array as $k => $v)
$result->$k = $v;
return $result;