File: platform/plugins/Places/classes/Places/Zipcode.php
* @module Places
* Class representing 'Zipcode' rows in the 'Places' database
* You can create an object of this class either to
* access its non-static methods, or to actually
* represent a zipcode row in the Places database.
* @class Places_Zipcode
* @extends Base_Places_Zipcode
class Places_Zipcode extends Base_Places_Zipcode
* The setUp() method is called the first time
* an object of this class is constructed.
* @method setUp
function setUp()
* Implements the __set_state method, so it can work with
* with var_export and be re-imported successfully.
* @method __set_state
* @param {array} $array
* @return {Places_Zipcode} Class instance
static function __set_state(array $array)
$result = new Places_Zipcode();
foreach($array as $k => $v)
$result->$k = $v;
return $result;
* Call this function to find zipcodes near a certain location
* @param {double} $latitude The latitude of the coordinates to search around
* @param {double} $longitude The longitude of the coordinates to search around
* @param {double} $meters The radius, in meters, around the central point of the zipcode
* @param {double} $limit Limit on how many to return. Defaults to 100.
* @return {array} Returns an array of Places_Zipcode objects, if any are found.
public static function nearby($latitude, $longitude, $meters, $limit = 100)
// First, get a bounding box that's big enough to avoid false negatives
$latGrid = $meters / (1609.34 * 69.1703234283616);
$longGrid = abs($latGrid / cos(deg2rad($latitude)));
// Now, select zipcodes in a bounding box using one of the indexes
$q = Places_Zipcode::select()
->where(array('latitude' => new Db_Range(
$latitude - $latGrid, false, true, $latitude + $latGrid
$condition1 = array('longitude' => new Db_Range(
max($longitude - $longGrid, -180), false,
false, min($longitude + $longGrid, 180)
if ($longitude + $longGrid > 180) {
$q = $q->andWhere($condition1, array('longitude' => new Db_Range(
-180, true, false, $longitude + $longGrid - 180 * 2
} else if ($longitude - $longGrid < -180) {
$q = $q->andWhere($condition1, array('longitude' => new Db_Range(
$longitude - $longGrid + 180 * 2, false, true, 180
} else {
$q = $q->andWhere($condition1);
$latitude = substr($latitude, 0, 10);
$longitude = substr($longitude, 0, 10);
$q = $q->orderBy(
"POW(latitude - ($latitude), 2) + POW(longitude - ($longitude), 2)"
if ($limit) {
$q = $q->limit($limit);
return $q->fetchDbRows();
* Use this to calculate the distance of a zipcode's central point to some
* pair of geographic coordinates.
* @param {double} $latitude
* @param {double} $longitude
function distanceTo($latitude, $longitude)
return Places::distance($this->latitude, $this->longitude, $latitude, $longitude);
* Use this to calculate the distance of a zipcode's central point to some lat/long pair
* @param {double} $lat
* @param {double} $long
function distanceToZipcode($zipcode)
return Places::distance($this->latitude, $this->longitude, $zipcode->latitude, $zipcode->longitude);