File: platform/plugins/Places/classes/Places/Polyline.php
* Places model
* @module Places
* @main Places
* Static methods for the Polyline models.
* @class Places_Polyline
class Places_Polyline
* Default precision level of 1e-5.
* Overwrite this property in extended class to adjust precision of numbers.
* !!!CAUTION!!!
* 1) Adjusting this value will not guarantee that third party
* libraries will understand the change.
* 2) Float point arithmetic IS NOT real number arithmetic. PHP's internal
* float precision may contribute to undesired rounding.
* @var int $precision
protected static $precision = 5;
* Apply Google Polyline algorithm to list of points.
* @param array $points List of points to encode. Can be a list of tuples,
* or a flat on dimensional array.
* @return string encoded string
public static function encode( $points )
$points = self::flatten($points);
$encodedString = '';
$index = 0;
$previous = array(0,0);
foreach ( $points as $number ) {
$number = (float)($number);
$number = (int)round($number * pow(10, static::$precision));
$diff = $number - $previous[$index % 2];
$previous[$index % 2] = $number;
$number = $diff;
$number = ($number < 0) ? ~($number << 1) : ($number << 1);
$chunk = '';
while ( $number >= 0x20 ) {
$chunk .= chr((0x20 | ($number & 0x1f)) + 63);
$number >>= 5;
$chunk .= chr($number + 63);
$encodedString .= $chunk;
return $encodedString;
* Reverse Google Polyline algorithm on encoded string.
* @param string $string Encoded string to extract points from.
* @return array points
public static function decode( $string )
$points = array();
$index = $i = 0;
$previous = array(0,0);
while ($i < strlen($string)) {
$shift = $result = 0x00;
do {
$bit = ord(substr($string, $i++)) - 63;
$result |= ($bit & 0x1f) << $shift;
$shift += 5;
} while ($bit >= 0x20);
$diff = ($result & 1) ? ~($result >> 1) : ($result >> 1);
$number = $previous[$index % 2] + $diff;
$previous[$index % 2] = $number;
$points[] = $number * 1 / pow(10, static::$precision);
return $points;
* Reduce multi-dimensional to single list
* @param array $array Subject array to flatten.
* @return array flattened
public static function flatten( $array )
$flatten = array();
$array, // @codeCoverageIgnore
function ($current) use (&$flatten) {
$flatten[] = $current;
return $flatten;
* Concat list into pairs of points
* @param array $list One-dimensional array to segment into list of tuples.
* @return array pairs
public static function pair( $list )
return is_array($list) ? array_chunk($list, 2) : array();