* @module Db
class Db_Query_Mysql extends Db_Query implements Db_Query_Interface
* This class lets you create and use Db queries
* @class Db_Query_Mysql
* @extends Db_Query
* @constructor
* @param {Db_Interface} $db An instance of a Db adapter
* @param {integer} $type The type of the query. See class constants beginning with TYPE_ .
* @param {array} [$clauses=array()] The clauses to add to the query right away
* @param {array} [$parameters=array()] The parameters to add to the query right away (to be bound when executing). Values corresponding to numeric keys replace question marks, while values corresponding to string keys replace ":key" placeholders, in the SQL.
* @param {array} [$tables=null] The tables operated with query
function __construct (
Db_Interface $db,
array $clauses = array(),
array $parameters = array(),
$table = null)
$this->db = $db;
$this->type = $type;
$this->table = $table;
$this->parameters = array();
foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) {
if ($value instanceof Db_Expression) {
if (is_array($value->parameters)) {
$this->parameters = array_merge(
} else {
$this->parameters[$key] = $value;
// and now, for sharding
if ($type === Db_Query::TYPE_INSERT || $type === Db_Query::TYPE_ROLLBACK) {
$this->criteria = $parameters;
$conn = $this->db->connection();
$prefix = empty($conn['prefix']) ? '' : $conn['prefix'];
$this->replacements = array(
'{$prefix}' => $prefix
// Put default contents in the clauses
// in case the query gets run.
if (count($clauses) > 0) {
$this->clauses = $clauses;
} else {
switch ($type) {
case Db_Query::TYPE_SELECT:
$this->clauses = array(
'SELECT' => '',
'FROM' => '',
'WHERE' => ''
case Db_Query::TYPE_INSERT:
$this->clauses = array('INTO' => '', 'VALUES' => '');
case Db_Query::TYPE_UPDATE:
$this->clauses = array(
'UPDATE' => array(),
'SET' => array()
case Db_Query::TYPE_DELETE:
case Db_Query::TYPE_RAW:
case Db_Query::TYPE_ROLLBACK:
$this->clauses = array("ROLLBACK" => true);
throw new Exception("unknown query type", - 1);
* The object implementing Db_Interface that this query uses
* @property $db
* @type Db_Mysql
public $db;
* The type of query this is (select, insert, etc.)
* @property $type
* @type integer
public $type;
* The tables operated with query
* @property $table
* @type string
public $table;
* The name of the class to instantiate when fetching database rows.
* @property $className
* @type string
public $className;
* Clauses that this query has (WHERE, ORDER BY, etc.)
* @property $clauses
* @type array
* @default array()
protected $clauses = array();
* Any additional text that comes after a clause
* @property $after
* @type array
* @default array()
protected $after = array();
* The parameters passed to this query
* @property $parameters
* @type array
* @default array()
public $parameters = array();
* If this query is prepared, this would point to the
* PDOStatement object
* @property $statement
* @type PDOStatement
* @default null
protected $statement = null;
* The context of the query. Contains the following keys:
* * 'callback' => the function or method to call back
* * 'args' => the arguments to pass to that function or method
* @property $context
* @type array
* @default null
protected $context = null;
* Strings to replace in the query, if getSQL() or execute() is called
* @property $replacements
* @type array
* @default array()
protected $replacements = array();
* Whether to use the cache or not
* @property $ignoreCache
* @type boolean
* @default false
protected $ignoreCache = false;
* Criteria used for sharding the query
* @property $criteria
* @type array
* @default array()
protected $criteria = array();
* Whether to cache or not
* @property $caching
* @type boolean
* @default false
protected $caching = null;
* Turn off automatic caching on fetchAll and fetchDbRows.
* @method ignoreCache
* @chainable
function ignoreCache()
$this->ignoreCache = true;
return $this;
* Turn off automatic caching on fetchAll and fetchDbRows.
* @method caching
* @param {boolean} [$mode=null] Pass false to suppress all caching. Pass true to cache everything. The default is null, which caches everything except empty results.
* @return {Db_Query_Mysql}
function caching($mode = null)
$this->caching = $mode;
return $this;
* Builds the query from the clauses
* @method build
* @return {string} The SQL query built according to defined clauses
* @throws {Exception} Exception is thrown in case mandatory clause is missing
function build ()
$q = '';
switch ($this->type) {
case Db_Query::TYPE_RAW:
$q = isset($this->clauses['RAW'])
? $this->clauses['RAW']
: '';
case Db_Query::TYPE_SELECT:
$select = empty($this->clauses['SELECT']) ? '*' : $this->clauses['SELECT'];
$select .= !isset($this->after['SELECT']) ? '' : $this->after['SELECT'];
if (!isset($this->clauses['FROM']))
throw new Exception("missing FROM clause in DB query.", -1);
$from = empty($this->clauses['FROM']) ? '' : "\nFROM ". $this->clauses['FROM'];
$from .= !isset($this->after['FROM']) ? '' : "\n".$this->after['FROM'];
$join = empty($this->clauses['JOIN']) ? '' : "\n".$this->clauses['JOIN'];
$join .= !isset($this->after['JOIN']) ? '' : "\n".$this->after['JOIN'];
$where = empty($this->clauses['WHERE']) ? '' : "\nWHERE ".$this->clauses['WHERE'];
$where .= !isset($this->after['WHERE']) ? '' : "\n".$this->after['WHERE'];
$groupBy = empty($this->clauses['GROUP BY']) ? '' : "\nGROUP BY " . $this->clauses['GROUP BY'];
$groupBy .= !isset($this->after['GROUP BY']) ? '' : "\n".$this->after['GROUP BY'];
$having = empty($this->clauses['HAVING']) ? '' : "\nHAVING " . $this->clauses['HAVING'];
$having .= !isset($this->after['HAVING']) ? '' : "\n".$this->after['HAVING'];
$orderBy = empty($this->clauses['ORDER BY']) ? '' : "\nORDER BY " . $this->clauses['ORDER BY'];
$orderBy .= !isset($this->after['ORDER BY']) ? '' : "\n".$this->after['ORDER BY'];
$limit = empty($this->clauses['LIMIT']) ? '' : "\n LIMIT ".$this->clauses['LIMIT'];
$limit .= !isset($this->after['LIMIT']) ? '' : "\n".$this->after['LIMIT'];
$lock = empty($this->clauses['LOCK']) ? '' : "\n".$this->clauses['LOCK'];
$lock .= !isset($this->after['LOCK']) ? '' : "\n".$this->after['LOCK'];
$q = "SELECT $select$from$join$where $groupBy $having $orderBy $limit $lock";
case Db_Query::TYPE_INSERT:
if (empty($this->clauses['INTO']))
throw new Exception("missing INTO clause in DB query.", -2);
$into = empty($this->clauses['INTO']) ? '' : $this->clauses['INTO'];
$into .= !isset($this->after['INTO']) ? '' : $this->after['INTO'];
//if (empty($this->clauses['VALUES']))
// throw new Exception("Missing VALUES clause in DB query.", -3);
$values = $this->clauses['VALUES'];
$afterValues = !isset($this->after['VALUES']) ? '' : "\n".$this->after['VALUES'];
if (empty($this->clauses['ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE']))
$onDuplicateKeyUpdate = '';
$onDuplicateKeyUpdate = "\nON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE " . $this->clauses['ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE'];
$q = "INSERT INTO $into \nVALUES ( $values ) $afterValues$onDuplicateKeyUpdate";
case Db_Query::TYPE_UPDATE:
if (empty($this->clauses['UPDATE']))
throw new Exception(
"Missing UPDATE tables clause in DB query.", -2);
$update = $this->clauses['UPDATE'];
$update .= !isset($this->after['UPDATE']) ? '' : "\n".$this->after['UPDATE'];
if (empty($this->clauses['SET']))
throw new Exception("missing SET clause in DB query.", -3);
$join = empty($this->clauses['JOIN']) ? '' : "\n".$this->clauses['JOIN'];
$join .= !isset($this->after['JOIN']) ? '' : "\n".$this->after['JOIN'];
// SET
$set = empty($this->clauses['SET']) ? '' : "\nSET ".$this->clauses['SET'];
$set .= !isset($this->after['SET']) ? '' : "\n".$this->after['SET'];
if (empty($this->clauses['WHERE']))
$where = "";
$where = "\nWHERE " . $this->clauses['WHERE'];
$where .= !isset($this->after['WHERE']) ? '' : "\n".$this->after['WHERE'];
$limit = empty($this->clauses['LIMIT']) ? '' : "\n LIMIT ".$this->clauses['LIMIT'];
$limit .= !isset($this->after['LIMIT']) ? '' : "\n".$this->after['LIMIT'];
$q = "UPDATE $update$join$set$where$limit";
case Db_Query::TYPE_DELETE:
if (empty($this->clauses['FROM']))
throw new Exception("missing FROM clause in DB query.",
- 2);
$from = "FROM ".$this->clauses['FROM'];
$from .= !isset($this->after['FROM']) ? '' : $this->after['FROM'];
$join = empty($this->clauses['JOIN']) ? '' : "\n".$this->clauses['JOIN'];
$join .= !isset($this->after['JOIN']) ? '' : "\n".$this->after['JOIN'];
if (empty($this->clauses['WHERE']))
$where = '';
$where = "\nWHERE " . $this->clauses['WHERE'];
$where .= !isset($this->after['WHERE']) ? '' : "\n".$this->after['WHERE'];
$limit = empty($this->clauses['LIMIT']) ? '' : "\n LIMIT ".$this->clauses['LIMIT'];
$limit .= !isset($this->after['LIMIT']) ? '' : "\n".$this->after['LIMIT'];
$q = "DELETE $from$join$where$limit";
foreach ($this->replacements as $k => $v) {
$q = str_replace($k, $v, $q);
return $q;
* Convert Db_Query_Mysql to it's representation
* @method __toString
* @return {string}
function __toString ()
try {
$repres = $this->build();
} catch (Exception $e) {
return '*****' . $e->getMessage();
return $repres;
* @method replaceKeysCompare
* @private
* @return {integer}
private static function replaceKeysCompare($a, $b)
$aIsInteger = (is_numeric($a) and intval($a) == $a);
$bIsInteger = (is_numeric($b) and intval($b) == $b);
if ($aIsInteger and !$bIsInteger) {
return 1;
if ($bIsInteger and !$aIsInteger) {
return -1;
if ($aIsInteger and $bIsInteger) {
return intval($a) - intval($b);
return strlen($b)-strlen($a);
* Gets the SQL that would be executed with the execute() method. See {{#crossLink "Db_Query_Mysql/build"}}{{/crossLink}}.
* @method getSQL
* @param {callable} [$callback=null] If not set, this function returns the generated SQL string.
* If it is set, this function calls $callback, passing it the SQL string, and then returns $this, for chainable interface.
* @param {boolean} [$template=false]
* @return {string|Db_Query} Depends on whether $callback is set or not.
* @throws {Exception} This function calls self::build()
function getSQL ($callback = null, $template = false)
if (!$template) {
if (isset($this->db->dbname)) $this->replacements['{$dbname}'] = $this->db->dbname;
if (isset($this->db->prefix)) $this->replacements['{$prefix}'] = $this->db->prefix;
$repres = $this->build();
$keys = array_keys($this->parameters);
usort($keys, array(__CLASS__, 'replaceKeysCompare'));
foreach ($keys as $key) {
$value = $this->parameters[$key];
if (!isset($value)) {
$value2 = "NULL";
} else if ($value instanceof Db_Expression) {
$value2 = $value;
} else {
$value2 = $this->reallyConnect()->quote($value);
if (is_numeric($key) and intval($key) == $key) {
// replace one of the question marks
if (false !== ($pos = strpos($repres, '?'))) {
$repres = substr($repres, 0, $pos) . (string)$value2 . substr($repres, $pos+1);
} else {
// we don't use $repres = str_replace(":$key", "$value2", $repres);
// because we want to replace only one occurrence
if (false !== ($pos = strpos($repres, ":$key"))) {
$pos2 = $pos + strlen(":$key");
$repres = substr($repres, 0, $pos) . (string)$value2 . substr($repres, $pos2);
foreach ($this->replacements as $k => $v) {
$repres = str_replace($k, $v, $repres);
if (isset($callback)) {
$args = array($repres);
Q::call($callback, $args);
return $this;
return $repres;
* Gets a clause from the query
* @method getClause
* @param {string} $clauseName
* @param {boolean} [$withAfter=false]
* @return {mixed} If $withAfter is true, returns array($clause, $after) otherwise just returns $clause
function getClause($clauseName, $withAfter = false)
$clause = isset($this->clauses[$clauseName])
? $this->clauses[$clauseName]
: '';
if (!$withAfter) {
return $clause;
$after = isset($this->after[$clauseName])
? $this->after[$clauseName]
: '';
return array($clause, $after);
* Merges additional replacements over the default replacement array,
* which is currently just
* @example
* array (
* '{$prefix}' => $conn['prefix']
* )
* The replacements array is used to replace strings in the SQL before using it. Watch out,
* because it may replace more than you want!
* @method replace
* @param {array} [$replacements=array()] This must be an array.
function replace(array $replacements = array())
$this->replacements = array_merge($this->replacements, $replacements);
* You can bind more parameters to the query manually using this method.
* These parameters are bound in the order they are passed to the query.
* Here is an example:
* @example
* $result = $db->select('*', 'foo')
* ->where(array('a' => $a))
* ->andWhere('a = :moo')
* ->bind(array('moo' => $moo))
* ->execute();
* @method bind
* @param {array} [$parameters=array()] An associative array of parameters. The query should contain :name,
* where :name is a placeholder for the parameter under the key "name".
* The parameters will be properly escaped. You can also have the query contain question marks (the binding is
* done using PDO), but then the order of the parameters matters.
* @return {Db_Query_Mysql} The resulting object implementing Db_Query_Interface.
* @chainable
function bind(array $parameters = array())
foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) {
if ($value instanceof Db_Expression) {
if (is_array($value->parameters)) {
$this->parameters = array_merge(
} else {
$this->parameters[$key] = $value;
return $this;
* Executes a query against the database and returns the result set.
* @method excecute
* @param {boolean} [$prepareStatement=false] If true, a PDO statement will be prepared
* from the query before it is executed. It is also saved for future invocations to use.
* Do this only if the statement will be executed many times with
* different parameters. Basically you would use ->bind(...) between
* invocations of ->execute().
* @param {array|string} [$shards] You can pass a shard name here, or a
* numerically indexed array of shard names, or an associative array
* where the keys are shard names and the values are the query to execute.
* This will bypass the usual sharding algorithm.
* @return {Db_Result} The Db_Result object containing the PDO statement that resulted from the query.
function execute ($prepareStatement = false, $shards = null)
if (class_exists('Q')) {
* @event Db/query/execute {before}
* @param {Db_Query_Mysql} query
* @return {Db_Result}
$result = Q::event('Db/query/execute', array('query' => $this), 'before');
if (isset($result)) {
return $result;
$stmts = array();
// make sure SQL template will be ready for sharding. reallyConnect will add new values
$this->startedTime = Q::milliseconds(true);
if ($prepareStatement) {
// Prepare the query into a SQL statement
// this takes two round-trips to the database
// Preparing the statement if it wasn't yet set
if (!isset($this->statement)) {
if ($q = $this->build()) {
$pdo = $this->reallyConnect();
$this->statement = $pdo->prepare($q);
if ($this->statement === false) {
if (!isset($sql)) {
$sql = $this->getSQL();
if (!class_exists('Q_Exception_DbQuery')) {
throw new Exception("query could not be prepared [query was: $sql ]", - 1);
throw new Q_Exception_DbQuery(array(
'sql' => $sql,
'msg' => 'query could not be prepared'
// Bind the parameters
foreach ($this->parameters as $key => $value) {
$this->statement->bindValue($key, $value);
$sql_template = $this->getSQL(null, true);
if (isset($shards)) {
if (is_string($shards)) {
$shards = array($shards);
$queries = array_fill_keys($shards, $this);
} else {
$queries = $this->shard();
$connection = $this->db->connectionName();
if (!empty($queries["*"])) {
$shard_names = Q_Config::get(
'Db', 'connections', $connection, 'shards', array('' => '')
$q = $queries["*"];
foreach ($shard_names as $k => $v) {
$queries[$k] = $q;
foreach ($queries as $shard_name => $query) {
$upcoming = Q_Config::get('Db', 'upcoming', $connection, false);
if ($query->type !== Db_Query::TYPE_SELECT && $query->type !== Db_Query::TYPE_RAW) {
if (!empty($upcoming['block']) && $shard_name === $upcoming['shard']) {
throw new Db_Exception_Blocked(compact('shard_name', 'connection'));
$query->startedTime = Q::milliseconds(true);
$pdo = $query->reallyConnect($shard_name);
$connInfo = Db::getConnection($connection);
$dsn = $connInfo['dsn'];
$nt = & self::$nestedTransactions[$dsn];
if (!isset($nt)) {
self::$nestedTransactions[$dsn] = 0;
$nt = & self::$nestedTransactions[$dsn];
$sql = $query->getSQL();
try {
if (!empty($query->clauses["BEGIN"])) {
if (++$nt == 1) {
} else if (!empty($query->clauses["ROLLBACK"])) {
$nt = 0;
if ($query->type !== Db_Query::TYPE_ROLLBACK) {
if ($prepareStatement) {
// Execute the statement
try {
$stmt = $query->statement;
} catch (Exception $e) {
if (!isset($sql)) {
$sql = $query->getSQL();
if (!class_exists('Q_Exception_DbQuery')) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage() . " [query was: $sql]", -1);
throw new Q_Exception_DbQuery(array(
'sql' => $sql,
'msg' => $e->getMessage()
} else {
// Obtain the full SQL code ourselves
// and send to the database, without preparing it there.
if ($sql) {
$stmt = $pdo->query($sql);
} else {
$stmt = true;
$stmts[] = $stmt;
if (!empty($query->clauses["COMMIT"]) && $nt) {
// we commit only if no error occurred - warnings are permitted
if (!$stmt or ($stmt !== true and !in_array(
substr($stmt->errorCode(), 0, 2),
array('00', '01')
))) {
$err = $pdo->errorInfo();
throw new Exception($err[0], $err[1]);
if (--$nt == 0) {
} catch (Exception $exception) {
if ($nt) {
$nt = 0;
$this->nestedTransactionCount = $nt;
if (class_exists('Q') && isset($sql)) {
// log query if shard split process is active
// all activities will be done by node.js
switch ($this->type) {
case Db_Query::TYPE_SELECT:
// SELECT queries don't need to be logged
if (!$upcoming or $shard_name !== $upcoming['shard']) {
$table = $this->table;
foreach ($this->replacements as $k => $v) {
$table = str_replace($k, $v, $table);
if ($table !== $upcoming['dbTable']) break;
// node will determine new shard(s) names using
// new sharding config which is available within split process
$timestamp = $pdo->query("SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")
->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);
if ($timestamp === false || !isset($timestamp[0])) {
$timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // backup solution
} else {
$timestamp = $timestamp[0];
$sql_template = str_replace('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', "'$timestamp'", $sql_template);
$transaction =
(!empty($this->clauses['COMMIT']) ? 'COMMIT' :
(!empty($this->clauses['BEGIN']) ? 'START TRANSACTION' :
(!empty($this->clauses['ROLLBACK']) ? 'ROLLBACK' : '')));
$utable = $upcoming['table'];
if (isset($shards)) {
$queries = is_string($shards) ? array($shards => $this) : $shards;
} else {
$sharded = $query->shard($upcoming['indexes'][$utable]);
$upcoming_shards = array_keys($sharded);
$logServer = Q_Config::get('Db', 'internal', 'sharding', 'logServer', null);
if (!empty($transaction) && $transaction !== 'COMMIT') {
'Q/method' => 'Db/Shards/log',
'shards' => $upcoming_shards,
'sql' => "$transaction;"
), Q_Config::get('Db', 'internal', 'sharding', 'logServer', null));
'Q/method' => 'Db/Shards/log',
'shards' => $upcoming_shards,
'sql' => trim(str_replace("\n", ' ', $sql_template))
), Q_Config::get('Db', 'internal', 'sharding', 'logServer', null));
if (!empty($transaction) && $transaction === 'COMMIT') {
'Q/method' => 'Db/Shards/log',
'shards' => $upcoming_shards,
'sql' => "$transaction;"
), $logServer, true);
$query->endedTime = Q::milliseconds(true);
$this->endedTime = Q::milliseconds(true);
if (!empty($exception)) {
* @event Db/query/exception {after}
* @param {Db_Query_Mysql} query
* @param {array} queries
* @param {string} sql
* @param {Exception} exception
compact('query', 'queries', 'sql', 'exception'),
if (!class_exists('Q_Exception_DbQuery')) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage() . " [query was: $sql]", -1);
// See http://php.net/manual/en/class.pdoexception.php#95812
throw new Q_Exception_DbQuery(array(
'sql' => $sql,
'msg' => $exception->getMessage()
), 'PDOException');
* @event Db/query/execute {after}
* @param {Db_Query_Mysql} query
* @param {array} queries
* @param {string} sql
Q::event('Db/query/execute', compact('query', 'queries', 'sql'), 'after');
return new Db_Result($stmts, $this);
* Works with SELECT queries to lock the selected rows.
* Use only with MySQL.
* @method lock
* @param {string} [$type='FOR UPDATE'] Defaults to 'FOR UPDATE', but can also be 'LOCK IN SHARE MODE'
* @chainable
function lock($type = 'FOR UPDATE') {
switch (strtoupper($type)) {
case 'FOR UPDATE':
$this->clauses['LOCK'] = "$type";
throw new Exception("Incorrect type for MySQL lock");
return $this;
* Begins a transaction right before executing this query.
* The reason this method is part of the query class is because
* you often need the "where" clauses to figure out which database to send it to,
* if sharding is being used.
* @method begin
* @param {string} [$lock_type='FOR UPDATE'] Defaults to 'FOR UPDATE', but can also be 'LOCK IN SHARE MODE'
* or set it to null to avoid adding a "LOCK" clause
* @chainable
function begin($lock_type = null)
if (!isset($lock_type) or $lock_type === true) {
$lock_type = 'FOR UPDATE';
if ($lock_type) {
$this->clauses["BEGIN"] = "START TRANSACTION";
return $this;
* Roll back a transaction right after executing this query.
* The reason this method is part of the query class is because
* you often need the "where" clauses to figure out which database to send it to,
* if sharding is being used.
* @method rollback
* @param {string} [$criteria=null] Pass this to target the rollback to the right shard.
* @chainable
function rollback($criteria = null)
if (!empty($this->clauses["BEGIN"])) {
throw new Exception("You can't use BEGIN and ROLLBACK in the same query.", -1);
if (!empty($this->clauses["COMMIT"])) {
throw new Exception("You can't use COMMIT and ROLLBACK in the same query.", -1);
$this->clauses["ROLLBACK"] = "ROLLBACK";
if ($criteria) {
$this->criteria = $criteria;
return $this;
* Commits a transaction right after executing this query.
* The reason this method is part of the query class is because
* you often need the "where" clauses to figure out which database to send it to,
* if sharding is being used.
* @method commit
* @chainable
function commit()
if (!empty($this->clauses["BEGIN"])) {
throw new Exception("You can't use BEGIN and COMMIT in the same query.", -1);
if (!empty($this->clauses["ROLLBACK"])) {
throw new Exception("You can't use COMMIT and ROLLBACK in the same query.", -1);
$this->clauses["COMMIT"] = "COMMIT";
return $this;
* Creates a query to select fields from one or more tables.
* @method select
* @param {string|array} $fields The fields as strings, or array of alias=>field
* @param {string|array} [$tables=''] The tables as strings, or array of alias=>field
* @param {boolean} [$repeat=false] If $tables is an array, and select() has
* already been called with the exact table name and alias
* as one of the tables in that array, then
* this table is not appended to the tables list if
* $repeat is false. Otherwise it is.
* This is really just for using in your hooks.
* @return {Db_Query_Mysql} The resulting object implementing Db_Query_Interface.
* You can use it to chain the calls together.
* @throws {Exception} If $tables is specified incorrectly
* @chainable
function select ($fields, $tables = '', $repeat = false)
$as = ' '; // was: ' AS ', but now we made it more standard SQL
if (is_array($fields)) {
$fields_list = array();
foreach ($fields as $alias => $column) {
$fields_list[] = self::column($column) . (is_int($alias) ? '' : "$as$alias");
$fields = implode(', ', $fields_list);
if (! is_string($fields)) {
throw new Exception("The fields to select need to be specified correctly.", -1);
if (empty($this->clauses['SELECT'])) {
$this->clauses['SELECT'] = $fields;
} else {
$this->clauses['SELECT'] .= ", $fields";
if ($repeat) {
$prev_tables_list = explode(',', $this->clauses['FROM']);
if (! empty($tables)) {
if (is_array($tables)) {
$tables_list = array();
foreach ($tables as $alias => $table) {
if ($table instanceof Db_Expression) {
$table_string = is_int($alias) ? "($table)" : "($table) $as $alias";
$this->parameters = array_merge(
$this->parameters, $table->parameters
} else {
$table_string = is_int($alias) ? "$table" : "$table $as $alias";
if ($repeat and in_array($table_string, $prev_tables_list)) {
$tables_list[] = $table_string;
$tables = implode(', ', $tables_list);
} else if ($tables instanceof Db_Expression) {
if (isset($tables->parameters)) {
$this->parameters = array_merge(
$this->parameters, $tables->parameters
$tables = $tables->expression;
if (! is_string($tables)) {
throw new Exception("The tables to select from need to be specified correctly.", -1);
if (empty($this->clauses['FROM'])) {
$this->clauses['FROM'] = $tables;
} else {
$this->clauses['FROM'] .= ", $tables";
return $this;
* Joins another table to use in the query
* @method join
* @param {string} $table The name of the table. May also be "name alias".
* @param {Db_Expression|array|string} $condition The condition to join on. Thus, JOIN table ON ($condition)
* @param {string} [$join_type='INNER'] The string to prepend to JOIN, such as 'INNER' (default), 'LEFT OUTER', etc.
* @return {Db_Query_Mysql} The resulting object implementing Db_Query_Interface
* @throws {Exception} If JOIN clause does not belong to context or condition specified incorrectly
* @chainable
function join ($table, $condition, $join_type = 'INNER')
switch ($this->type) {
case Db_Query::TYPE_SELECT:
case Db_Query::TYPE_UPDATE:
case Db_Query::TYPE_DELETE:
if (!empty($this->after['FROM']))
throw new Exception("the JOIN clause does not belong in this context.", - 1);
static $i = 1;
if (is_array($condition)) {
$condition_list = array();
foreach ($condition as $expr => $value) {
if ($value instanceof Db_Expression) {
if (is_array($value->parameters)) {
$this->parameters = array_merge(
} else {
$condition_list[] = preg_match('/\W/', substr($expr, - 1))
? "$expr $value"
: self::column($expr)." = $value";
++ $i;
$condition = implode(' AND ', $condition_list);
} else if ($condition instanceof Db_Expression) {
if (is_array($condition->parameters)) {
$this->parameters = array_merge(
$this->parameters, $condition->parameters
$condition = (string) $condition;
if (! is_string($condition)) {
throw new Exception("The JOIN condition needs to be specified correctly.", -1);
$join = "$join_type JOIN $table ON ($condition)";
if (empty($this->clauses['JOIN'])) {
$this->clauses['JOIN'] = $join;
} else {
$this->clauses['JOIN'] .= " \n$join";
return $this;
* Adds a WHERE clause to a query
* @method where
* @param {Db_Expression|array} $criteria An associative array of expression => value pairs.
* The values are automatically escaped using the database server, or turned into PDO placeholders for prepared statements
* They can also be arrays, in which case they are placed into an expression of the form key IN ('val1', 'val2')
* Or, this could be a Db_Expression object.
* @return {Db_Query_Mysql} The resulting object implementing Db_Query_Interface
* @throws {Exception} If WHERE clause does not belong to context
* @chainable
function where ($criteria)
switch ($this->type) {
case Db_Query::TYPE_SELECT:
case Db_Query::TYPE_UPDATE:
case Db_Query::TYPE_DELETE:
throw new Exception("The WHERE clause does not belong in this context.", -1);
if (!isset($criteria)) {
return $this;
// and now, for sharding
if (is_array($criteria)) {
$this->criteria = $criteria;
$criteria = $this->criteria_internal($criteria);
if (! is_string($criteria)) {
throw new Exception("The WHERE criteria need to be specified correctly.", - 1);
if (empty($criteria)) {
return $this;
if (empty($this->clauses['WHERE'])) {
$this->clauses['WHERE'] = "$criteria";
} else {
$this->clauses['WHERE'] = '(' . $this->clauses['WHERE'] . ") AND ($criteria)";
return $this;
* Adds to the WHERE clause, like this: "... AND (x OR y OR z)",
* where x, y and z are the arguments to this function.
* @method andWhere
* @param {Db_Expression|string} $criteria An associative array of expression => value pairs.
* The values are automatically escaped using the database server, or turned into PDO placeholders
* for prepared statements
* They can also be arrays, in which case they are placed into an expression of the form "key IN ('val1', 'val2')"
* Or, this could be a Db_Expression object.
* @param {Db_Expression|string} [$or_criteria=null]
* @return {Db_Query_Mysql} The resulting object implementing Db_Query_Interface
* @throws {Exception} If WHERE clause does not belong to context
* @chainable
function andWhere ($criteria, $or_criteria = null)
switch ($this->type) {
case Db_Query::TYPE_SELECT:
case Db_Query::TYPE_UPDATE:
case Db_Query::TYPE_DELETE:
throw new Exception("The WHERE clause does not belong in this context.", -1);
if (!isset($criteria)) {
return $this;
if (empty($this->clauses['WHERE'])) {
throw new Exception("Don't call andWhere() when you haven't called where() yet", -1);
$args = func_get_args();
$c_arr = array();
$was_empty = true;
foreach ($args as $arg) {
$c = $this->criteria_internal($arg);
if (! is_string($c)) {
throw new Exception("The WHERE criteria need to be specified correctly.", -1);
$c_arr[] = $c;
if (!empty($c)) {
$was_empty = false;
if ($was_empty) {
return $this;
// and now, for sharding
if ($this->shardIndex() and is_array($criteria)) {
if (empty($this->criteria)) {
$this->criteria = $criteria;
} else {
if (count($args) > 1) {
throw new Exception("You can't use OR in your WHERE clause when sharding.");
$this->criteria = array_merge($this->criteria, $criteria);
$new_criteria = '('.implode(') OR (', $c_arr).')';
$this->clauses['WHERE'] = '(' . $this->clauses['WHERE'] . ") AND ($new_criteria)";
return $this;
* Adds to the WHERE clause, like this: "... OR (x AND y AND z)",
* where x, y and z are the arguments to this function.
* @method orWhere
* @param {Db_Expression|string} $criteria An associative array of expression => value pairs.
* The values are automatically escaped using the database server, or turned into PDO placeholders for prepared statements
* They can also be arrays, in which case they are placed into an expression of the form key IN ('val1', 'val2')
* Or, this could be a Db_Expression object.
* @param {Db_Expression|string} [$and_criteria=null]
* @return {Db_Query_Mysql} The resulting object implementing Db_Query_Interface
* @throws {Exception} If WHERE clause does not belong to context
* @chainable
function orWhere ($criteria, $and_criteria = null)
switch ($this->type) {
case Db_Query::TYPE_SELECT:
case Db_Query::TYPE_UPDATE:
case Db_Query::TYPE_DELETE:
throw new Exception("The WHERE clause does not belong in this context.", -1);
if (!isset($criteria)) {
return $this;
$args = func_get_args();
$c_arr = array();
$was_empty = true;
foreach ($args as $arg) {
$c = $this->criteria_internal($arg);
if (! is_string($c)) {
throw new Exception("The WHERE criteria need to be specified correctly.", -1);
if (!empty($c)) {
$was_empty = false;
$c_arr[] = $c;
if ($was_empty) {
return $this;
// and now, for sharding
if ($this->shardIndex() and is_array($criteria) and !empty($this->criteria)) {
throw new Exception("You can't use OR in your WHERE clause when sharding.");
$new_criteria = '('.implode(') AND (', $c_arr).')';
$this->clauses['WHERE'] = '(' . $this->clauses['WHERE'] . ") OR ($new_criteria)";
return $this;
* This function is specifically for adding criteria to query for sharding purposes.
* It doesn't affect the SQL generated for the query.
* @method criteria
* @param {Db_Expression|array} $criteria An associative array of expression => value pairs.
function criteria($criteria)
if (is_array($criteria)) {
if (empty($this->criteria)) {
$this->criteria = $criteria;
} else {
$this->criteria = array_merge($this->criteria, $criteria);
* Adds a GROUP BY clause to a query
* @method groupBy
* @param {Db_Expression|string} $expression
* @return {Db_Query_Mysql} The resulting object implementing Db_Query_Interface
* @throws {Exception} If GROUP clause does not belong to context
* @chainable
function groupBy ($expression)
switch ($this->type) {
case Db_Query::TYPE_SELECT:
throw new Exception("The GROUP BY clause does not belong in this context.", -1);
if ($expression instanceof Db_Expression) {
if (is_array($expression->parameters)) {
$this->parameters = array_merge(
$this->parameters, $expression->parameters
$expression = (string) $expression;
if (! is_string($expression)) {
throw new Exception("The GROUP BY expression has to be specified correctly.", -1);
if (empty($this->clauses['GROUP BY']))
$this->clauses['GROUP BY'] = "$expression";
$this->clauses['GROUP BY'] .= ", $expression";
//if (empty($this->clauses['ORDER BY']))
// $this->clauses['ORDER BY'] = "NULL"; // to avoid sorting overhead
return $this;
* Adds a HAVING clause to a query
* @method having
* @param {Db_Expression|array} $criteria An associative array of expression => value pairs.
* The values are automatically escaped using PDO placeholders. Or, this could be a Db_Expression object.
* @return {Db_Query_Mysql} The resulting object implementing Db_Query_Interface
* @throws {Exception} If groupBy as not called or criteria is specified incorrectly
* @chainable
function having ($criteria)
switch ($this->type) {
case Db_Query::TYPE_SELECT:
throw new Exception(
"The HAVING clause does not belong in this context.",
if (empty($this->clauses['GROUP BY'])) {
throw new Exception("Don't call having() when you haven't called groupBy() yet", -1);
$criteria = $this->criteria_internal($criteria);
if (! is_string($criteria)) {
throw new Exception("The HAVING criteria need to be specified correctly.", - 1);
if (empty($this->clauses['HAVING']))
$this->clauses['HAVING'] = "$criteria";
$this->clauses['HAVING'] = '(' . $this->clauses['HAVING'] . ") AND ($criteria)";
return $this;
* Adds an ORDER BY clause to the query
* @method orderBy
* @param {Db_Expression|string} $expression A string or Db_Expression with the expression to order the results by.
* @param {boolean} $ascending=true If false, sorts results as descending, otherwise ascending.
* @return {Db_Query_Mysql} The resulting object implementing Db_Query_Interface
* @throws {Exception} If ORDER BY clause does not belong to context
* @chainable
function orderBy ($expression, $ascending = true)
switch ($this->type) {
case Db_Query::TYPE_SELECT:
case Db_Query::TYPE_UPDATE:
throw new Exception("The ORDER BY clause does not belong in this context.",-1);
if ($expression instanceof Db_Expression) {
if (is_array($expression->parameters)) {
$this->parameters = array_merge(
$this->parameters, $expression->parameters
$expression = (string) $expression;
if (! is_string($expression))
throw new Exception("The ORDER BY expression has to be specified correctly.",-1);
if (is_bool($ascending)) {
$expression .= $ascending ? ' ASC' : ' DESC';
} else if (is_string($ascending)) {
if (strtoupper($ascending) == 'ASC') {
$expression .= ' ASC';
} else if (strtoupper($ascending) == 'DESC') {
$expression .= ' DESC';
if (empty($this->clauses['ORDER BY'])
or $this->clauses['ORDER BY'] == 'NULL') {
$this->clauses['ORDER BY'] = "$expression";
} else {
$this->clauses['ORDER BY'] .= ", $expression";
return $this;
* Adds optional LIMIT and OFFSET clauses to the query
* @method limit
* @param {integer} $limit A non-negative integer showing how many rows to return
* @param {integer} [$offset=null] A non-negative integer showing what row to start the result set with.
* @return {Db_Query_Mysql} The resulting object implementing Db_Query_Interface
* @throws {Exception} If limit/offset are negative, OFFSET is not alowed in context, LIMIT clause was
* specified or clause does not belong to context
* @chainable
function limit ($limit, $offset = null)
if (!isset($limit)) {
return $this;
if (!is_numeric($limit) or $limit < 0 or floor($limit) != $limit) {
throw new Exception("the limit must be a non-negative integer");
if (isset($offset)) {
if (!is_numeric($offset) or $offset < 0 or floor($offset) != $offset) {
throw new Exception("the offset must be a non-negative integer");
switch ($this->type) {
case Db_Query::TYPE_SELECT:
case Db_Query::TYPE_UPDATE:
case Db_Query::TYPE_DELETE:
if (isset($offset))
throw new Exception("the LIMIT clause cannot have an OFFSET in this context");
throw new Exception("The LIMIT clause does not belong in this context.");
if (! empty($this->clauses['LIMIT']))
throw new Exception("The LIMIT clause has already been specified.");
$this->clauses['LIMIT'] = "$limit";
if (isset($offset))
$this->clauses['LIMIT'] .= " OFFSET $offset";
return $this;
* Adds a SET clause to an UPDATE statement
* @method set
* @param {array} $updates An associative array of column => value pairs.
* The values are automatically escaped using PDO placeholders.
* @return {Db_Query_Mysql} The resulting object implementing Db_Query_Interface
* @chainable
function set (array $updates)
$updates = $this->set_internal($updates);
if (empty($this->clauses['SET'])) {
$this->clauses['SET'] = $updates;
} else {
$this->clauses['SET'] .= ", $updates";
return $this;
* This function provides an easy way to provide additional clauses to the query.
* @method options
* @param {array} $options An associative array of key => value pairs, where the key is
* the name of the method to call, and the value is the array of arguments.
* If the value is not an array, it is wrapped in one.
* @chainable
function options ($options)
if (empty($options)) {
return $this;
foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
if (is_callable(array($this, $key))) {
if (!is_array($value)) {
$value = array($value);
call_user_func_array(array($this, $key), $value);
return $this;
* Inserts a custom clause after a particular clause
* @method after
* @param {string} $after The name of the standard clause to add after, such as FROM or UPDATE
* @param {string} $clause The text of the clause to add
* @chainable
function after($after, $clause)
if ($clause) {
$this->after[$after] = isset($this->after[$after])
? $this->after[$after] . ' ' . $clause
: $clause;
return $this;
* Fetches an array of database rows matching the query.
* If this exact query has already been executed and
* fetchAll() has been called on the Db_Query, and
* the return value was cached by the Db_Query class, then
* that cached value is returned, unless $this->ignoreCache is true.
* Otherwise, the query is executed and fetchAll()
* is called on the result.
* See [PDO documentation](http://us2.php.net/manual/en/pdostatement.fetchall.php)
* @method fetchAll
* @param {enum} $fetch_style=PDO::FETCH_BOTH
* @param {enum} $column_index=null
* @param {array} $ctor_args=null
* @return {array}
function fetchAll(
$fetch_style = PDO::FETCH_BOTH,
$fetch_argument = null,
array $ctor_args = array())
$conn_name = $this->db->connectionName();
if (empty($conn_name)) {
$conn_name = 'empty connection name';
$sql = $this->getSQL();
if (isset(Db_Query::$cache[$conn_name][$sql]['fetchAll'])
and !$this->ignoreCache) {
return Db_Query::$cache[$conn_name][$sql]['fetchAll'];
$result = $this->execute();
$arguments = func_get_args();
$ret = call_user_func_array(array($result, 'fetchAll'), $arguments);
if ($this->caching === true
or ($this->caching === null and !empty($ret))) {
// cache the result of executing this particular SQL on this db connection
Db_Query::$cache[$conn_name][$sql]['fetchAll'] = $ret;
return $ret;
* Fetches an array of database rows matching the query.
* If this exact query has already been executed and
* fetchAll() has been called on the Db_Query, and
* the return value was cached by the Db_Query class, then
* that cached value is returned, unless $this->ignoreCache is true.
* Otherwise, the query is executed and fetchAll() is called on the result.
* @param {string} [$fields_prefix=''] This is the prefix, if any, to strip out when fetching the rows.
* @param {string} [$by_field=null] A field name to index the array by.
* If the field's value is NULL in a given row, that row is just appended
* in the usual way to the array.
* @return {array}
function fetchArray(
$fields_prefix = '',
$by_field = null)
$conn_name = $this->db->connectionName();
if (empty($conn_name)) {
$conn_name = 'empty connection name';
$sql = $this->getSQL();
if (isset(Db_Query::$cache[$conn_name][$sql]['fetchArray'])
and !$this->ignoreCache) {
return Db_Query::$cache[$conn_name][$sql]['fetchArray'];
$result = $this->execute();
$arguments = func_get_args();
$ret = call_user_func_array(array($result, 'fetchArray'), $arguments);
if ($this->caching === true
or ($this->caching === null and !empty($ret))) {
// cache the result of executing this particular SQL on this db connection
Db_Query::$cache[$conn_name][$sql]['fetchArray'] = $ret;
return $ret;
* Fetches an array of Db_Row objects (possibly extended).
* If this exact query has already been executed and
* fetchAll() has been called on the Db_Query, and
* the return value was cached by the Db_Query class, then
* that cached value is returned.
* Otherwise, the query is executed and fetchDbRows() is called on the result.
* @method fetchDbRows
* @param {string} [$class_name=null] The name of the class to instantiate and fill objects from.
* Must extend Db_Row. Defaults to $this->className
* @param {string} [$fields_prefix=''] This is the prefix, if any, to strip out when fetching the rows.
* @param {string} [$by_field=null] A field name to index the array by.
* If the field's value is NULL in a given row, that row is just appended
* in the usual way to the array.
* @return {array}
function fetchDbRows(
$class_name = null,
$fields_prefix = '',
$by_field = null)
if (empty($conn_name)) {
$conn_name = $this->db->connectionName();
if (empty($conn_name)) {
$conn_name = 'empty connection name';
$sql = $this->getSQL();
if (isset(Db_Query::$cache[$conn_name][$sql]['fetchDbRows'])
and !$this->ignoreCache) {
return Db_Query::$cache[$conn_name][$sql]['fetchDbRows'];
$ret = $this->execute()->fetchDbRows($class_name, $fields_prefix, $by_field);
if ($this->caching === true
or ($this->caching === null and !empty($ret))) {
// cache the result of executing this particular SQL on this db connection
Db_Query::$cache[$conn_name][$sql]['fetchDbRows'] = $ret;
return $ret;
* Fetches one Db_Row object (possibly extended).
* You can pass a prefix to strip from the field names.
* It will also filter the result.
* @method fetchDbRow
* @param {string} [$class_name=null] The name of the class to instantiate and fill objects from.
* Must extend Db_Row. Defaults to $this->query->className
* @param {string} [$fields_prefix=''] This is the prefix, if any, to strip out when fetching the rows.
* @return {DbRow|boolean} Returns false if no row, otherwise returns an object of type $class_name
function fetchDbRow(
$class_name = null,
$fields_prefix = '')
$rows = $this->fetchDbRows($class_name, $fields_prefix);
if (empty($rows)) {
return null;
return reset($rows);
* Adds an ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause to an INSERT statement.
* Use only with MySQL.
* @method onDuplicateKeyUpdate
* @param {array} $updates An associative array of column => value pairs.
* The values are automatically escaped using PDO placeholders.
* @return {Db_Query_Mysql} The resulting object implementing Db_Query_Interface
* $chainable
function onDuplicateKeyUpdate ($updates)
$updates = $this->onDuplicateKeyUpdate_internal($updates);
if (empty($this->clauses['ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE']))
$this->clauses['ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE'] = $updates;
$this->clauses['ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE'] .= ", $updates";
return $this;
* Sets context
* @method setContext
* @param {callable} $callback
* @param {array} [$args=array()]
function setContext(
$args = array())
$this->context = compact('callback', 'args');
* Can only be called if this is a query returned
* from a function that was supposed to execute it, but the user
* requested a chance to modify it.
* For example, Db_Row->getRelated and Db_Row->retrieve.
* After calling a chain of methods, call the resume() method
* to complete the original function and return the result.
* @method resume
function resume()
if (empty($this->context['callback'])) {
throw new Exception("Context is empty. Db_Query->resume() can only be called on an intermediate query.", -1);
$callback = $this->context['callback'];
if (is_array($callback)) {
$callback[1] .= '_resume';
} else {
$callback .= '_resume';
$args = empty($this->context['args']) ? array() : $this->context['args'];
$args[] = $this;
return call_user_func_array($callback, $args);
static function column($column)
$len = strlen($column);
$part = $column;
$pos = false;
for ($i=0; $i<$len; ++$i) {
$c = $column[$i];
if ($c !== '.'
and $c !== '_'
and $c !== '$'
and ($c < 'a' or $c > 'z')
and ($c < 'A' or $c > 'Z')
and ($c < '0' or $c > '9')) {
$pos = $i;
$part = substr($column, 0, $pos);
$parts = explode('.', $part);
$quoted = array();
foreach ($parts as $p) {
$quoted[] = "`$p`";
return implode('.', $quoted) . ($pos ? substr($column, $pos) : '');
* Re-use an existing (prepared) statement. Rarely used except internally.
* @method reuseStatement
* @param {Db_Query_Mysql} $query
function reuseStatement($query)
$this->statement = $query->statement;
return $this;
* Calculates criteria
* @method criteria_internal
* @private
* @param {Db_Expression|array} $criteria
* @return {string}
private function criteria_internal ($criteria)
static $i = 1;
if (is_array($criteria)) {
$criteria_list = array();
foreach ($criteria as $expr => $value) {
$parts = explode(',', $expr);
$parts = array_map('trim', $parts);
$c = count($parts);
if ($c > 1) {
if (!is_array($value)) {
throw new Exception("Db_Query_Mysql: The value should be an array of arrays");
$columns = array();
foreach ($parts as $column) {
$columns[] = self::column($column);
if (!empty($this->criteria[$column])) {
$this->criteria[$column] = array(); // sharding heuristics
$list = array();
foreach ($value as $j => $arr) {
if (!is_array($arr)) {
$json = json_encode($arr);
throw new Exception("Db.Query.Mysql: Value $json needs to be an array");
if (count($arr) != $c) {
throw new Exception(
"Db_Query_Mysql: Arrays should have $c elements to match $expr"
$vector = array();
$valuesArray = array();
foreach ($arr as $v) {
$vector[] = ":_where_$i";
$this->parameters["_where_$i"] = $v;
++ $i;
$this->criteria[$column][] = $v; // sharding heuristics
$list[] = '(' . implode(',', $vector) . ')';
if (!empty($list)) {
$lhs = '(' . implode(',', $columns) . ')';
$rhs = "(\n" . implode(",\n", $list) . "\n)";
$criteria_list[] = "$lhs IN $rhs";
} else {
$criteria_list[] = "FALSE";
} else if ($value === null) {
$criteria_list[] = "ISNULL($expr)";
} else if ($value instanceof Db_Expression) {
if (is_array($value->parameters)) {
$this->parameters = array_merge(
$this->parameters, $value->parameters
$criteria_list[] = preg_match('/\W/', substr($expr, -1))
? "$expr ($value)"
: self::column($expr)." = ($value)";
} else if (is_array($value)) {
if (!empty($value)) {
$value = array_unique($value);
$values = array();
foreach ($value as $v) {
$values[] = ":_where_$i";
$this->parameters["_where_$i"] = $v;
++ $i;
$value_list = implode(',', $values);
if (preg_match('/\W/', substr($expr, -1))) {
$criteria_list[] = "$expr ($value_list)";
} else if (empty($value)) {
$criteria_list[] = "FALSE"; // since $value list is empty
} else {
$criteria_list[] = self::column($expr) . " IN ($value_list)";
} else if ($value instanceof Db_Range) {
if (isset($value->min)) {
$c_min = $value->includeMin ? '>=' : '>';
$criteria_list[] = self::column($expr) . " $c_min :_where_$i";
$this->parameters["_where_$i"] = $value->min;
++ $i;
if (isset($value->max)) {
$c_max = $value->includeMax ? '<=' : '<';
$criteria_list[] = self::column($expr) . " $c_max :_where_$i";
$this->parameters["_where_$i"] = $value->max;
++ $i;
} else {
$eq = preg_match('/\W/', substr($expr, -1)) ? '' : ' = ';
$criteria_list[] = self::column($expr) . "$eq:_where_$i";
$this->parameters["_where_$i"] = $value;
++ $i;
$criteria = implode(' AND ', $criteria_list);
} else if ($criteria instanceof Db_Expression) {
/* @var $criteria Db_Expression */
if (is_array($criteria->parameters)) {
$this->parameters = array_merge($this->parameters, $criteria->parameters);
$criteria = (string) $criteria;
return $criteria;
* Calculates SET clause
* @method set_internal
* @private
* @param {array} $updates An associative array of column => value pairs.
* The values are automatically escaped using PDO placeholders.
* @return {string}
private function set_internal ($updates)
switch ($this->type) {
case Db_Query::TYPE_UPDATE:
throw new Exception("The SET clause does not belong in this context.", - 1);
static $i = 1;
if (is_array($updates)) {
$updates_list = array();
foreach ($updates as $field => $value) {
if ($value instanceof Db_Expression) {
if (is_array($value->parameters)) {
$this->parameters = array_merge($this->parameters, $value->parameters);
$updates_list[] = self::column($field) . " = $value";
} else {
$updates_list[] = self::column($field) . " = :_set_$i";
$this->parameters["_set_$i"] = $value;
++ $i;
if (count($updates_list) > 0)
$updates = implode(", \n", $updates_list);
$updates = '';
if (! is_string($updates)) {
throw new Exception("The SET updates need to be specified correctly.", - 1);
return $updates;
* Calculates an ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause
* @method onDuplicateKeyUpdate_internal
* @private
* @param {array} $updates An associative array of column => value pairs.
* The values are automatically escaped using PDO placeholders.
* @return {string}
private function onDuplicateKeyUpdate_internal ($updates)
if ($this->type != Db_Query::TYPE_INSERT) {
throw new Exception("The ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause does not belong in this context.", -1);
static $i = 1;
if (is_array($updates)) {
$updates_list = array();
foreach ($updates as $field => $value) {
if ($value instanceof Db_Expression) {
if (is_array($value->parameters)) {
$this->parameters = array_merge($this->parameters,
$updates_list[] = self::column($field) . " = $value";
} else {
$updates_list[] = self::column($field) . " = :_dupUpd_$i";
$this->parameters["_dupUpd_$i"] = $value;
++ $i;
$updates = implode(", ", $updates_list);
if (! is_string($updates))
throw new Exception("The ON DUPLICATE KEY updates need to be specified correctly.", -1);
return $updates;
* Connects to database
* @method reallyConnect
* @private
* @param {string} [$shard_name=null]
* @return {PDO} The PDO object for connection
private function reallyConnect($shard_name = null)
* @event Db/reallyConnect {before}
* @param {Db_Query_Mysql} query
* @param {string} 'shard_name'
array('query' => $this, 'shard_name' => $shard_name),
return $this->db->reallyConnect($shard_name);
public $startedTime = null;
public $endedTime = null;
protected static $nestedTransactions = array();