* @module Db
var Q = require('Q');
var util = require('util');
* The class representing database row
* @class Row
* @namespace Db
* @constructor
* @param {object} fields Optional object of fields
* @param {boolean} [retrieved=false] Optional if object was retrieved from database or created
function Row(fields, retrieved /* false */) {
var self = this;
* The fields names
* @property _fieldNames
* @type array
* @private
var _fieldNames = this.fieldNames();
* The names of the fields in primary key
* @property _primaryKey
* @type array
* @private
var _primaryKey = this.primaryKey();
* A container for fields values.
* Used by [G/S]etters to store values of the fields
* @property fields
* @type object
this.fields = {};
var _fields = this._fields = {};
* Whether this Db_Row was retrieved or not.
* The save() method uses this to decide whether to insert or update.
* @property retrieved
* @type boolean
this.retrieved = false;
* The value of the primary key of the row
* Is set automatically if the Db_Row was fetched from a Db_Result.
* @property _pkValue
* @type object
* @private
var _pkValue;
* The fields of the row
* @property _fieldsModified
* @type object
* @private
var _fieldsModified = this._fieldsModified = {};
* The temporary config to make shards split
* @property _split
* @type object
* @private
var _split = null;
function getter(k) {
return function Db_Row_getter() {
var row = this._row;
if (row["beforeGet_" + k]
&& (typeof row["beforeGet_" + k] === "function")) {
// NOTE: this is synchronous, we wouldn't be able to do any async,
// and since Node is a single thread, we shouldn't do I/O at all in them!
// This should be documented.
row["beforeGet_" + k].call(row, row._fields);
return row._fields[k];
function setter(k) {
return function Db_Row_setter(x) {
var row = this._row;
// we shall skip beforeSet_xxx during shards split process to get exact copy of the data
var safe = k.replace(/[^0-9a-zA-Z\_]/, '_');
if (!_split && row["beforeSet_" + safe]
&& (typeof row["beforeSet_" + safe] === "function")) {
// NOTE: this is synchronous, we wouldn't be able to do any async,
// and since Node is a single thread, we shouldn't do I/O at all in them!
// This should be documented.
var result = row["beforeSet_" + safe].call(row, x, row._fields);
if (result !== undefined) {
x = result;
row._fieldsModified[k] = true;
row._fields[k] = x;
var k, i;
for (i in _fieldNames) {
k = _fieldNames[i];
Object.defineProperty(this.fields, k, {
'enumerable': true,
'get': getter(k),
'set': setter(k)
Object.defineProperty(this.fields, '_row', {
'enumerable': false,
'value': this
if (fields && (k in fields)) {
this.fields[k] = (fields[k] instanceof Buffer)
? fields[k].toString()
: fields[k];
if ((this.retrieved = !!retrieved)) {
this._fieldsModified = {};
* Whether this Db_Row was retrieved or not.
* @property retrieved
* @type boolean
Object.defineProperty(this, 'pkValue', {
get: function () {
return _pkValue;
_pkValue = calculatePKValue() || {};
(function runSetUp(self) {
if (self.__proto__) {
if (self.setUp && (typeof self.setUp === "function")) {
* Saves the row in the database.
* If object has methods beforeRetrieve, beforeRetrieveExecute or afterRetrieveExecute,
* they may be triggered during this operation.
* @method save
* @param {boolean} [onDuplicateKeyUpdate=false] If MySQL is being used, you can set this to TRUE
* to add an ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause to the INSERT statement
* @param {boolean} [commit=false] If this is TRUE, then the current transaction is committed right after the save.
* Use this only if you started a transaction before.
* @param {function} [callback=null] This function is called when the queries have all completed.
* Its this object is the same as the one the save method is called on.
* It is passed the one optional argument:
* errors: an Object. If there were any errors, it will be passed error object as returned from query.execute. If successful, it will be passed nothing.
this.save = function (onDuplicateKeyUpdate /* = false */, commit /* = false */, callback) {
var me = this;
var _continue = true;
var rowClass = Q.require( this.className.split('_').join('/') );
if (typeof onDuplicateKeyUpdate === 'function') {
callback = onDuplicateKeyUpdate;
onDuplicateKeyUpdate = commit = false;
} else if (typeof commit === 'function') {
callback = commit;
commit = false;
} else if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
callback = function (err) {
if (typeof err !== "undefined") {
console.log("Db.Row: ERROR while saving " + self.className);
console.log("Primary key: ", calculatePKValue());
if (this.className === "Row")
throw new Error("If you're going to save, please extend Db.Row.");
var modifiedFields = {}, key;
for (key in this._fields) {
if (this._fieldsModified[key]) {
modifiedFields[key] = this._fields[key];
* Optional. If defined the method is called before taking actions to save row.
* It can be used synchronously and can ignore callback but must return
* `modifiedFields` object. If used asyncronously shall pass this object
* to callback
* **NOTE:** *if this method is defined but do returns null and do not call callback,
* the `save()` method fails silently without making any changes in the database!!!*
* @method beforeSave
* @param {object} modifiedFields
* @param {function} [callback=null] This function is called when hook completes.
* Receives "error" - error object if any, and modifiedFields as parameters.
var shouldSaveNow;
if (!_split && typeof this.beforeSave === "function") { // skip beforeSave when on _split is defined
try {
shouldSaveNow = this.beforeSave(modifiedFields, function (error, modifiedFields) {
if (error) callback && callback.call(self, error);
else _do_save.call(this, modifiedFields);
} catch (error) {
callback && callback.call(self, error);
if (shouldSaveNow) _do_save.call(this, modifiedFields);
function _do_save(modifiedFields) {
if (!modifiedFields) {
callback && callback.call(self, new Error(self.className+".beforeSave callback cancelled save")); // nothing saved
if (typeof modifiedFields !== "object")
throw new Error(self.className + ".beforeSave() must return the array of (modified) fields to save!");
var db, query, _inserting;
if (!(db = self.db()))
throw new Error("The database was not specified!");
if (me.retrieved) {
// update the table
query = rowClass.UPDATE().set(modifiedFields).where(_pkValue);
_inserting = false;
} else {
// insert new row
query = rowClass.INSERT(modifiedFields);
if (onDuplicateKeyUpdate)
_inserting = true;
function _do_callbacks(error, lastId) {
if (error) callback && callback.call(self, error);
else {
// We assume that autoincrement field is the single primary key
if (_inserting && _primaryKey.length === 1 && lastId) {
self._fields[pk[0]] = lastId;
_pkValue = calculatePKValue() || {};
self._fieldsModified = {};
me.retrieved = true;
callback && callback.call(self);
query = null;
function _execute() {
query = this;
if (commit) query.commit();
query.execute(function (error, lastId) {
if (typeof self.afterSaveExecute === "function") {
self, query, error, lastId
query.resume = _do_callbacks;
if (!self.afterSaveExecute(query, error, lastId)) {
_do_callbacks(error, lastId);
// NOTE: this is synchronous
// to use it the async way return *true* and use query.resume(error, result) to continue
} else {
_do_callbacks(error, lastId);
}, {indexes: _split});
self, query, modifiedFields
if (typeof self.beforeSaveExecute === "function") {
query.resume = _execute;
query = (_continue = !!self.beforeSaveExecute(query, modifiedFields))
|| query; // NOTE: this is synchronous
// to use it async way return *false* and use query.resume() to continue
// or handle callbacks in some creative way
if (_continue) _execute.apply(query);
* Retrieves a row from the database.
* If object has methods beforeRetrieve, beforeRetrieveExecute or afterRetrieveExecute,
* they may be triggered during this operation.
* @method retrieve
* @param {String} [fields='*'] The fields to retrieve and set in the Db_Row.
* This gets used if we make a query to the database.
* @param {boolean} [useIndex=false] If true, the primary key is used in searching,
* and an exception is thrown when any fields of the primary key are not specified
* @param {array|boolean} [modifyQuery=false] If an array, the following keys are options for modifying the query. Any other keys will be sent to query.options(modifyQuery);
* You can call more methods, like limit, offset, where, orderBy,
* and so forth, on that Db_Query. After you have modified it sufficiently,
* get the ultimate result of this function, by calling the resume() method on
* the Db_Query object (via the chainable interface).
* You can also pass true in place of the modifyQuery field to achieve
* the same effect as {"query": true}
* @param {boolean|string} [modifyQuery.begin] this will cause the query
* to have .begin() a transaction which locks the row for update.
* You should call .save(..., true) to unlock the row, otherwise other
* database connections trying to access the row will be blocked.
* @param {boolean} [modifyQuery.rollbackIfMissing]
* If begin is true, this option determines whether to
* rollback the transaction if the row we're trying to retrieve is missing.
* Defaults to false.
* @param {boolean} [modifyQuery.ignoreCache]
* If true, then call ignoreCache on the query
* @param {boolean} [modifyQuery.caching]
* If provided, then call caching() on the query, passing this value
* @param {boolean} [modifyQuery.query]
* If true, it will return a Db_Query that can be modified, rather than the result.
* @param {array} [options=array()] Array of options to pass to beforeRetrieve and afterFetch functions.
* @param {function} [callback=null] This function is called when all queries have completed.
* The "this" object would be this row, now hydrated with values from the database.
* It is passed the following arguments:
* 1) errors: an Object. If there were any errors they will be passed along as
* documented in query.execute. If there were no errors, this will be null.
* 2) result: an array of rows retrieved. If error occured it will be passed nothing
this.retrieve = function (fields /* '*' */, useIndex /* false */, modifyQuery /* false */, callback) {
var _continue = true;
var rowClass = Q.require( this.className.split('_').join('/') );
if (typeof fields === 'function') {
callback = fields;
fields = '*';
useIndex = false;
modifyQuery = false;
} else if (typeof useIndex === 'function') {
callback = useIndex;
useIndex = false;
modifyQuery = false;
} else if (typeof modifyQuery === 'function') {
callback = modifyQuery;
modifyQuery = false;
} else if (typeof callback !== 'function' && !modifyQuery) {
throw new Error("Callback for retrieve method was not specified for " + this.className + ".");
if (this.className === "Row")
throw new Error("If you're going to save, please extend Db.Row.");
var primaryKeyValue = calculatePKValue();
var search_criteria = {};
if (useIndex === true) {
if (!primaryKeyValue)
throw new Error("Fields of the primary key were not specified for " + this.className + ".");
// Use the primary key value as the search criteria
search_criteria = primaryKeyValue;
} else {
// Use the modified fields as the search criteria.
search_criteria = this._fields;
// If no fields were modified on this object,
// then this function will just return an empty array -- see below.
* Optional. If defined the method is called before taking actions to retrieve row.
* It can be used synchronously and can ignore callback but must return
* search_criteria object. If used asyncronously shall pass this object
* to callback
* **NOTE:** *if this method is defined but do not return result and do not call callback,
* the retrieve() method fails silently!!!*
* @method beforeRetrieve
* @param {Object} search_criteria
* @param {function} [callback=null] This function is called when hook completes. Returns error -
* error object if any and search_criteria as parameters.
if (typeof this.beforeRetrieve === "function") {
try {
search_criteria = this.beforeRetrieve(search_criteria, function (error, search_criteria) {
if (error) callback && callback.call(self, error);
else return _do_retrieve(search_criteria);
} catch (error) {
callback && callback.call(self, error);
if (search_criteria) return _do_retrieve(search_criteria);
function _do_retrieve(search_criteria) {
if (!search_criteria) {
callback && callback.call(self, new Error(this.className+".beforeRetrieve callback cancelled retrieve")); // nothing saved
if (typeof search_criteria !== "object")
throw new Error(this.className + ".beforeRetrieve() must return the array of (modified) fields to save!");
var db, query;
if (!(db = self.db()))
throw new Error("The database was not specified!");
query = rowClass.SELECT(fields).where(search_criteria);
function _do_callbacks(error, result) {
var fetched = false;
if (result[0]) {
fetched = true;
if (error) {
callback && callback.call(self, error);
} else {
callback && callback.call(self, null, result, fetched);
query = null;
function _execute() {
// Now, execute the query!
query = this;
query.execute(function (error, result) {
self, query, error, result
if (typeof self.afterRetrieveExecute === "function") {
query.resume = _do_callbacks;
if (!self.afterRetrieveExecute(query, error, result)) {
_do_callbacks(error, result);
// NOTE: This is synchronous.
// To use it the async way return *true* and use query.resume(error, result) to continue
} else {
_do_callbacks(error, result);
}, {indexes: _split});
function _resume(cback) {
// callback can be defined either at .retrieve(callback) call or
// as argument to .resume(callback)
// so syntax obj.retrieve('*', false, true).begin().resume(callback)
// or obj.retrieve('*', false, true, callback).begin().resume()
// are both valid
if (modifyQuery && typeof callback !== "function") {
if (typeof cback !== "function") {
throw new Error("At least one callback shall be defined for "+self.className+".retrieve()!");
callback = cback;
query = this;
self, query, search_criteria
if (typeof self.beforeRetrieveExecute === "function") {
query.resume = _execute;
query = (_continue = !!self.beforeRetrieveExecute(query, search_criteria)) || query;
// NOTE: this is synchronous.
// To use it the async way, return *false* and use query.resume() to continue
if (_continue && query) {
} else {
console.log(self.className + ': query is empty!');
// Modify the query if necessary
if (modifyQuery) {
query.resume = _resume;
return query;
} else {
* Deletes the row from the database.
* If object has methods beforeRetrieve, beforeRetrieveExecute or afterRetrieveExecute,
* they may be triggered during this operation.
* @method remove
* @param {String|Object} [search_criteria=null] You can provide custom search criteria here, such as `{"tag.name LIKE ": this.name}`
* If this is left null, and this Db_Row was retrieved, then the db rows corresponding
* to the primary key are deleted.
* But if it wasn't retrieved, then the modified fields are used as the search criteria.
* @param {boolean} [useIndex=false] If true, the primary key is used in searching for rows to delete.
* An exception is thrown when some fields of the primary key are not specified
* @param {function} [callback=null] This function is called when all queries have completed.
* The "this" object would be this row, now hydrated with values from the database.
* It is passed the following arguments:
* 1) errors: an Object. If there were any errors they will be passed along as
* documented in query.execute. If there were no errors, this will be null.
* 2) count: an Integer the number of rows deleted. If there were any errors, it will be passed nothing
this.remove = function (search_criteria /* null */, useIndex /* false */, callback) {
var me = this;
var _continue = true;
var rowClass = Q.require( this.className.split('_').join('/') );
if (typeof search_criteria === 'function') {
callback = search_criteria;
search_criteria = null;
useIndex = false;
} else if (typeof useIndex === 'function') {
callback = useIndex;
useIndex = false;
} else if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
callback = function (res, err) {
if (typeof err !== "undefined") {
console.log("ERROR while removing " + self.className + "!");
console.log("Primary key: ", primaryKeyValue);
if (this.className === "Row")
throw new Error("If you're going to save, please extend Db.Row.");
var primaryKeyValue = calculatePKValue();
// Check if we have specified all the primary key fields,
if (useIndex) {
if (!primaryKeyValue)
throw new Error("Fields of the primary key were not specified for " + this.className + ".");
search_criteria = primaryKeyValue;
// If search criteria are not specified, try to compute them.
if (!search_criteria) {
if (me.retrieved) {
// use primary key
search_criteria = primaryKeyValue;
} else {
// use modified fields
search_criteria = this._fields;
* Optional. If defined the method is called before taking actions to remove row.
* It can be used synchronously and can ignore callback but must return
* search_criteria object. If used asyncronously shall pass this object
* to callback
* **NOTE:** *if this method is defined but do not return result and do not call callback,
* the remove() method fails silently without changing database!!!*
* @method beforeRemove
* @param {object} search_criteria
* @param {function} [callback=null] This function is called when hook completes. Returns error -
* error object if any and search_criteria as parameters.
if (typeof this.beforeRemove === "function") {
try {
search_criteria = this.beforeRemove(search_criteria, function (error, search_criteria) {
if (error) callback && callback.call(self, error);
else _do_remove(search_criteria);
} catch (error) {
callback && callback.call(self, error);
if (search_criteria) _do_remove(search_criteria);
function _do_remove(search_criteria) {
if (!search_criteria) {
callback && callback.call(self, new Error(this.className+".beforeRemove callback cancelled remove")); // nothing saved
var db, query;
if (!(db = self.db()))
throw new Error("The database was not specified!");
query = rowClass.DELETE().where(search_criteria);
function _do_callbacks(error, result) {
if (error) callback && callback.call(self, error);
else {
self._fields = {};
me.retrieved = false;
_pkValue = {};
self._fieldsModified = {};
callback && callback.call(self, null, result);
query = null;
function _execute() {
// Now, execute the query!
query = this;
query.execute(function (error, result) {
self, query, error, result
if (typeof self.afterRemoveExecute === "function") {
query.resume = _do_callbacks;
if (!self.afterRemoveExecute(query, error, result))
_do_callbacks(error, result); // NOTE: this is synchronous
// to use it async way return *true* and use
// query.resume(error, result) to continue
} else _do_callbacks(error, result);
}, {indexes: _split});
self, query, search_criteria
if (typeof this.beforeRemoveExecute === "function") {
query.resume = _execute;
query = (_continue = !!this.beforeRemoveExecute(query, search_criteria)) || query; // NOTE: this is synchronous
// to use it async way return *false* and use query.resume() to continue
// or handle callbacks in some creative way
if (_continue) _execute.apply(query);
* Rolls back the transaction
* @method rollback
* @param {function} [callback=null] This function is called when all queries have completed.
* The "this" object would be this row, now hydrated with values from the database.
* It is passed the following argument:
* errors: an Object. If there were any errors they will be passed along as
* documented in query.execute. If there were no errors, this will be null.
this.rollback = function (callback) {
var rowClass = Q.require( this.className.split('_').join('/') );
if (this.className === "Row")
throw new Error("If you're going to save, please extend Db.Row.");
var db, query, pk;
if (!(db = self.db())) {
throw new Error("The database was not specified!");
if (!(pk = calculatePKValue())) {
pk = this._fields;
query = db.rollback(pk).execute(callback);
function calculatePKValue() {
var k, fname, res = {};
for (k in _primaryKey) {
fname = _primaryKey[k];
if (typeof self._fields[fname] === "undefined") {
return false;
res[fname] = self._fields[fname];
return Object.keys(res).length ? res : false;
* Set up temporary config for shard split
* @method split
* @param {Object} index Split shard index
* * 'indexes->connection' section of sharding config. Shall contain 'fields' and 'partition' fields
* * 'partition' field shall contain new points mapped to shards
* * 'shards' section of config shall be already filled with new shards config
this.split = function (index) {
_split = index;
return this;
* This function copies the members of another row,
* as well as the primary key, etc. and assigns it to this row.
* @method copyFromRow
* @param {Db.Row} row The source row. Be careful -- In this case, Db does not check
* whether the class of the Db_Row matches. It leaves things up to you.
* @return {Db_Row} returns this object, for chaining
this.copyFromRow = function (row) {
this.retrieved = row.retrieved;
for (var key in row.fields) {
this.fields[key] = row.fields[key];
return this;
* Get plain object with the fields of the row
* @method getFields
Row.prototype.getFields = function () {
var res = {};
for (var field in this.fields) {
if (this.fields[field] !== undefined) {
res[field] = this.fields[field];
return res;
Row.prototype.toArray = Row.prototype.getFields;
Row.prototype.fillMagicFields = function () {
var toFill = [];
var _fieldNames = this.fieldNames();
for (var i=0, l=_fieldNames.length; i<l; ++i) {
var f = _fieldNames[i], ff;
if ((ff = this.fields[f])
&& ff.expression === "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP") {
if (!toFill.length) {
return this;
var db = this.db();
var row = this;
db.getCurrentTimestamp(function (err, timestamp) {
for (var i=0, l=toFill.length; i<l; ++i) {
row.fields[toFill[i]] = db.toDateTime(timestamp);
return this;
Row.prototype.className = "Db_Row";
Row.prototype.typename = 'Db.Row';
Q.extend.dontCopy['Db.Row'] = true;
module.exports = Row;