File: platform/plugins/Streams/web/js/tools/labels.js
- (function (Q, $, window, undefined) {
- var Streams = Q.Streams;
- var Users = Q.Users;
- /**
- * @module Streams-tools
- */
- /**
- * Renders an interface to edit labels
- * @class Streams labels
- * @constructor
- * @param {Object} [options] any options for the tool
- * @param {Q.Event} [options.prefix='Users/'] When the user selects a contact
- * @param {Q.Event} [options.onSelect] When the user selects a contact
- */
- Q.Tool.define("Streams/labels", function(options) {
- var tool = this;
- var state = tool.state;
- var publisherId = state.publisherId || Users.loggedInUserId();
- if (!state.prefix || state.prefix.substr(-1) !== '/') {
- throw new Q.Error("Streams/labels: prefix must end in a slash");
- }
- if (!publisherId) {
- throw new Q.Error("Streams/labels: publisherId is empty");
- }
- Q.Tool.setUpElement('div', 'Streams/related', {
- publisherId: options.publisherId,
- streamName: 'Streams/labels',
- relationType: 'labels',
- tag: 'div',
- isCategory: true,
- creatable: 'Streams/label'
- });
- },
- {
- onSelect: new Q.Event()
- },
- {
- refresh: function (stream, onLoad) {
- var tpl = (state.editable !== false || stream.testWriteLevel('suggest'))
- ? 'edit'
- : 'view';
- Q.Template.render(
- 'Streams/image/preview/'+tpl,
- fields,
- function (err, html) {
- if (err) return;
- },
- state.templates[tpl]
- );
- }
- }
- );
- Q.Template.set('Streams/contacts/contact/view',
- '<div class="Streams_preview_container Streams_preview_view Q_clearfix">'
- + '<img alt="{{alt}}" class="Streams_image_preview_icon">'
- + '<div class="Streams_image_preview_title {{titleClass}}">'
- + '{{#if showTitle}}'
- + '<{{titleTag}} class="Streams_preview_title">{{title}}</{{titleTag}}>'
- + '{{/if}}'
- + '</div></div>'
- );
- })(Q, jQuery, window);