
File: platform/plugins/Q/web/js/fn/placeholders.js

(function (Q, $, window, document, undefined) {

 * Q Tools
 * @module Q-tools

 * Activates placeholder effect on any input and textarea elements contained within this jquery.
 * Attribute placeholder must be set for element
 * @class Q placeholders
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} [options]

function () {
	return this.plugin('Q/placeholders', 'setup');

	// properties

	setup: function () {
		function manage(event) {
			var $this = $(this);
			var $placeholder = $'Q-placeholder');
			if (!$placeholder) {
			var p;
			if (p = $this.attr('placeholder')) {
			if ($this.val()) { //  || event.type === 'keypress' || event.type === 'change'
			} else {
		var events = 'keypress keyup change input focus paste blur'
			+ ' Q_refresh Q_refresh_placeholders';
		var namespacedEvents = '';
		Q.each(events.split(' '), function (i, e) {
			namespacedEvents += e + '.Q_placeholders ';
		$('input', this)
		.add('textarea', this).each(function () {
			var t = this.tagName.toLowerCase();
			if (t != 'input' && t != 'textarea') return;
			var $this = $(this);
			var plch = $this.attr('placeholder');
			if(!(plch)) {

			if (!$':visible')) {
			var dim = $this[0].cssDimensions();
			var display = $this.css('display');
			if (display === 'inline') {
				display = 'inline-block';
			var span = $('<span />').css({
				position: 'relative',
				width: dim.width,
				height: dim.height,
				display: display
			var props = {};
				width: '100%',
				height: '100%'
			$this.hide(); // to get percentage values, if any, for margins & padding
			Q.each(['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'], function (i, pos) {
				props['padding-'+pos] = $this.css('padding-'+pos);
				props['margin-'+pos] = $this.css('margin-'+pos);
				span.css('margin-'+pos, props['margin-'+pos]);
			$this.wrap(span).css('margin', '0');
			span = $this.parent();
			span.on(Q.Pointer.fastclick, function() {
			var lineHeight = $this[0].style.lineHeight
				? $this[0].style.lineHeight
				: $this.height() + 'px';
			var $placeholder = $('<div />').text(plch).css({
				'position': 'absolute',
				'left': $this.position().left,
				'top': $this.position().top,
				'margin': 0,
				'padding-left': parseInt(props['padding-left'])+3+'px',
				'padding-right': props['padding-right'],
				'padding-top': props['padding-top'],
				'padding-bottom': props['padding-bottom'],
				'border-top': 'solid ' + $this.css('border-top-width') + ' transparent',
				'border-left': 'solid ' + $this.css('border-left-width') + ' transparent',
				'box-sizing': $this.css('box-sizing'),
				'font-size': $this.css('font-size'),
				'font-weight': $this.css('font-weight'),
				'overflow': 'hidden',
				'width': '100%',
				'height': '100%',
				'text-align': $this.css('text-align'),
				'pointer-events': 'none',
				'color': $this.css('color'),
				'opacity': '0.5',
				'box-sizing': 'border-box'
			if (t === 'input') {
					'white-space': 'nowrap',
					'line-height': lineHeight
			// IE8 workaround
			$placeholder[0].style.fontFamily = $this[0].style.fontFamily;
			if ($this.val()) {
			var interval;
			$this.focus(function () {
			$this.blur(function () {
				if (interval) clearInterval(interval);
			$'Q-placeholder', $placeholder);
		.on(namespacedEvents, manage);


})(Q, jQuery, window, document);